Status beendetSender Comedy CentralErstaustrahlung 18 January 2007Laufzeit 30 MinutenGenres Comedy

Am liebsten würde Michael Bluth einfach nur das Weite suchen, doch das kann er seinem Sohn, der den schönen Namen George Michael trägt, nicht antun. So bleibt ihm nichts anderes übrig als seine total verrückte, selbstsüchtige Verwandtschaft so gut es geht zusammen zu halten und dafür zu sorgen, dass sie das angeschlagene Familienunternehmen nicht restlos zu Grunde richten.

Michael says goodbye to the family business and starts his own. And the life of the family is turned upside down when their mail man Pete dies.

George Sr. comes up with a get rich quick scam after his family falls apart.

Lindsay tries to reclaim her sense of self while traveling and getting back to her political activist roots.

Michael is presented with a new business opportunity that could change his life, but unfortunately, he needs his family to sign off.

Tobias searches for meaning after splitting with Lindsay, only to find that old habits die hard.

George Sr.'s new business hits a rough patch, and he must bribe a politician to get his scam back on track.

Gob finds a new group of friends after his relationship falls apart and his family abandons him.

Lindsay continues to push away from being a Bluth by embracing a relationship and finding a new career.

Tobias returns to his roots and reunites with his leading lady after a rough few weeks.

Lucille finds that her children have started dividing up her things, and adjusts to her new home.

Gob accepts a job from his brother, but is distracted by a scheme of his own.

Maeby moves out on her own and reconnects with her cousin George-Michael.

At UC Irvine things get steamy when George-Michael finds himself in a love triangle with his best friend Ray and his girlfriend Becky.

Buster struggles to make it on his own and break away from his overbearing mother.

George-Michael tries to reconnect with his father, but is finding himself overwhelmed by the responsibility of running his business.