Status beendetSenderErstaustrahlung 22 February 2025Laufzeit 30 MinutenGenres Mini-Series

Die Waise Esther Summerson, die von Miss Barbary großgezogen wurde. Esther hielt sie für ihre Patin, tatsächlich handelt es sich um ihre leibliche Tante. Esthers Mutter überließ das Mädchen nach der Geburt ihrer Schwester, später heiratete sie reich und lebt als Frau des wesentlich älteren Sir Dedlock das gelangweilte Leben eines Luxusweibchens. Als Miss Barbary stirbt, übernimmt John Jarndyce ihre Vormundschaft. Gemeinsam mit seinen beiden weiteren Mündeln, Ada Clare und Richard Carstone zieht sie zu Jarndyce auf dessen Anwesen Bleak House. Ein Gerichtsprozess um das Erbe der Familie Darndyce, in dem es konkurrierende Testamente geht, bringt die Herkunft von Esther allmählich ans Licht. Sie erfährt aber nicht nur, wer ihre Mutter ist, sondern auch, dass ihre Vorfahren und die Familie Darndyce schon seit Längerem schicksalhaft miteinander verbunden sind.

Die Neu-Waise Esther wird zum Kanzleigericht gebracht, das über ihr weiteres Verbleiben entscheiden soll. Das Gericht spricht sie ihrem neuen Vormund John Jarndyce zu und er nimmt sein Mündel mit ins Bleak House. Dort fühlt sie sich sofort wohl und willkommen. Derweil droht das Geheimnis der schönen und reichen Lady Dedlocks von Anwalt Tulkinghorn entdeckt zu werden, der bei seinen Nachforschungen zudem eine grausige Entdeckung macht.

Nemo, der opium-süchtige Mieter von Trunkenbold Mr. Krook, stirbt an einer Überdosis. Tulkinghorn vermutet, dass ein gewisser Jo, der auf der Bestattung auftaucht, mehr über die Hintergründe des angeblichen Unfalls wissen könne. Ada und Richard, die beiden anderen Mündel in Jarndyces Obhut, verlieben sich. Bei einem Dinner lernt Esther Allan Woodcourt kennen und verliebt sich ebenfalls. Während Tulkinghorn Lady Dedlock von Nemos Tod informiert, findet Krook in Nemos Zimmer einige interessante Liebesbriefe...

Eine Zufallsbegegnung zwischen Esther und Lady Dedlock wirft interessante Fragen auf. Obwohl die Lady ihn bittet, seine Untersuchungen einzustellen, deckt Tulkinghorn die wahre Identität Nemos auf. Doch dafür braucht er die Hilfe von Sergeant George. Als Lady Dedlock schließlich heimlich Nemos Grab besucht, überkommt sie die Trauer ob ihres verlorenen Geliebten. Allan, Esthers Verehrer, nimmt einen Job als Schiffsarzt an - sie ist enttäuscht, weil sie ihn nun für eine lange Zeit nicht sehen kann.

Esther erkrankt an Pocken. Zwar erholt sie sich, doch sie ist von Narben gezeichnet. Guppy macht eine Entdeckung in Esthers Vergangenheit, die Lady Dedlock in Mark und Knochen fährt. Um mehr herauszufinden, fährt er zu Krooks Ladengeschäft - mit einem erschreckenden Ergebnis. Jarndyce hingegen ist zutiefst erschüttert, als ein schweres Schicksal Bleak House heimsucht.

Richard ist nach seinem Studienwechsel hin zur Jura besessen von einem Fall, der nicht nur viele ins Unglück stürzen wird, sondern gerade die Bewohner des Bleak House direkt betrifft. Jarndyce dagegen zweifelt, ob er seine Gefühle für Esther für sich behalten soll, während Lady Dedlock Esther ein Geständnis macht, das ihr gesamtes Leben auf den Kopf stellt. Tulkinghorn hat inzwischen handfeste Beweise für Dedlocks Schuld und stellt ihr ein Ultimatum.

Richard ist in finanziellen Nöten, doch Ada und Esther könnten zu spät kommen, um ihm zu helfen. Währenddessen erhält Esther einen unerwarteten Heiratsantrag - liebt sie den Mann wirklich? Tulkinghorn fühlt sich sicher und denkt Lady Dedlock fest in seiner Hand zu haben. Doch sie setzt sich heimlich über ihn hinweg - mit katastrophalen Konsequenzen

Esther fühlt sich Woodcourt immer stärker verbunden. Eine Nachricht von Ada und Richard bereitet Jarndyce und Esther große Sorgen. Der Mord an Tulkinghorn beschäftigt Inspektor Bucket. Eine schnelle Verhaftung scheint den Fall zu beenden, doch die Zweifel bleiben, ob der wahre Mörder gefunden wurde... Briefe, die überraschend auftauchen, bestätigen einen ganz anderen Verdacht... Bucket stellt dem Mörder eine Falle - mit überraschendem Ergebnis.

Geldverleiher Smallweed hat Beweise für die schmutzige Vergangenheit der Lady Dedlock. In die Ecke gedrängt, fällt die Lady eine folgenschwere Entscheidung. Ada sorgt sich um Richard und ihr gemeinsames, ungeborenes Kind. Als auch noch Woodcourt ihr einen Antrag macht, ist Esther hin- und hergerissen. Der Gerichtsfall, der Richard seit langem beschäftigt, wird abgeschlossen - mit einem Ergebnis, dass alle überraschen wird...

Esther's (Anna Maxwell Martin) in shock following Lady Dedlock's (Gillian Anderson) confession that she's her mother. But she keeps her word and refuses to tell Ada (Carey Mulligan) her secret.Meanwhile, with Boythorn (Warren Clarke) and Jarndyce (Denis Lawson) away on business, Esther and Ada go to the local pub, where Esther is surprised to see Richard (Patrick Kennedy).Richard's interest in Chancery has become an obsession, and Esther is worried when she discovers that, on Skimpole's (Nathaniel Parker) advice, he has now employed his own lawyer, the vampiric Mr Vholes (Dermot Crowley). Esther can see that Vholes intends to bleed Richard dry, but there is little she can do to prevent it.Smallweed's (Phil Davis) many hours of searching through Krook's (Johnny Vegas) old legal papers finally pay off when he discovers Captain Hawdon's (John Lynch) bundle of love letters. Guppy (Burn Gorman) offers Smallweed money for the letters. But, Tulkinghorn (Charles Dance) steps out of the shadows and warns him off. Much to Smallweed's astonishment – and great delight – Tulkinghorn offers him a much bigger sum for the letters.Having gathered all his evidence, Tulkinghorn visits Chesney Wold. There, he shows his hand, relating Lady Dedlock's scandalous history to herself and Sir Leicester (Timothy West) as if it were that of 'a townsman's of Mr Rouncewell'. Sir Leicester finds it too shocking to be believed.When they are alone, Lady Dedlock tells Tulkinghorn that she will flee Chesney Wold that night, before the scandal breaks. But he turns the tables on her, claiming that, in order to protect the family honour, he will keep her secret, as long as she does nothing. Now, she is totally in his power.

Tulkinghorn (Charles Dance) believes Lady Dedlock (Gillian Anderson) is in his power. But she continues to defy him by sending Rosa (Emma Williams) away to save her from any impending scandal.Back in London, Hortense (Lilo Baur) angers Tulkinghorn by accusing him of breaking his promise to find her a position as a lady's maid. Bucket (Alun Armstrong) later drags her down to the station to give her a warning. He makes Hortense write down her address, promising to keep an eye on her.Esther (Anna Maxwell Martin) plans a visit to London, where she and Ada (Carey Mulligan) see the newly pregnant Caddy (Natalie Press).However, she has an ulterior motive for the trip: seeing Guppy (Burn Gorman) to tell him to stop investigating her past. When Esther lifts her veil and shows him her scarred face, Guppy's only too happy to agree to her wishes as long as he can retract his proposal.Ada and Esther go to see Richard and they find him at court. He is soon leaving to join his regiment in Deal, but Vholes (Dermot Crowley) and Skimpole (Nathaniel Parker) are worried by his enormous debts.Back at Bleak House, Jarndyce (Denis Lawson) tells the girls that Sir Leicester (Timothy West) has invited them to Chesney Wold. Sir Leicester's worried that they may have been offended by his lack of courtesy when they visited Boythorn (Warren Clarke). Esther's horrified by the idea, and reveals to Jarndyce that Lady Dedlock (Gillian Anderson) is her mother. As he comforts her, Jarndyce comes clean about his feelings and asks Esther to marry him.Meanwhile, Sergeant George's (Hugo Speer) furious when Tulkinghorn breaks his promise not to call in his debt, leaving him in financial ruin.

Vholes (Dermot Crowley) pays a visit to Bleak House to appeal to Jarndyce's (Denis Lawson) generosity in the hope that he'll pay Richard's (Patrick Kennedy) debts.Esther (Anna Maxwell Martin) and Ada (Carey Mulligan) visit Richard (Patrick Kennedy) in Deal, where Ada offers him her inheritance to help ease his financial woes. Richard's deeply touched by the gesture, but the offer has come too late – he's selling out of the Army.The girls return to the inn to find it in an uproar: the brave hero of the shipwrecked Indiaman has returned to port. Before she can take this in, Esther comes face to face with Woodcourt (Richard Harrington), and their meeting raises some uncomfortable questions for her.Meanwhile, Jenny (Charlie Brooks) finds a very ill Jo (Harry Eden) wandering the streets of London. After returning to the city, Woodcourt stumbles upon them and realises immediately that Jo's illness is a matter of life and death.Elsewhere, Tulkinghorn (Charles Dance) discovers that Lady Dedlock (Gillian Anderson) has crossed him and dismissed Rosa (Emma Williams). Furious, he announces that their deal is off. He will now expose her secret at some unspecified point.Meanwhile, despite Woodcourt's efforts Jo passes away at the gym. Before he dies, he reveals his fear of being found by Tulkinghorn. Sergeant George (Hugo Speer) rails against Tulkinghorn's maliciousness. Phil (Michael Smiley) tries to calm him without success. Still seething, George leaves – but Phil notices that one of the pistols he was cleaning is missing.Clamb (Tom Georgeson) leaves the office for the night, bumping into George in the alley nearby. Later, Tulkinghorn is shot...

Clamb (Tom Georgeson) discovers Tulkinghorn's (Charles Dance) body. Bucket (Alun Armstrong) begins investigating the case. He quickly learns from Clamb that George was spotted at the scene of the crime and had previously issued violent threats against Tulkinghorn. It's only circumstantial evidence so far, but it's damning nonetheless. And while Sir Leicester (Timothy West) offers a reward for the arrest of the murderer, Lady Dedlock (Gillian Anderson) is keeping quiet.Phil (Michael Smiley) wants to know where Sergeant George (Hugo Speer) got to the night before with the pistol. But they're interrupted by the arrival of Smallweed (Phil Davis), who's come to do an inventory of all George's goods. He leaves in a hurry when George raises a pistol at him. But Smallweed gets his own back by fingering George as a potential suspect to Bucket. He also demands the return of the Hawdon letters he sold to Tulkinghorn, but Bucket's having none of it.Meanwhile, Caddy (Natalie Press) has had her baby, but both mother and child are very ill. Esther (Anna Maxwell Martin) and Ada (Carey Mulligan) visit her and dismiss the quack doctor employed by Old Mr Turveydrop (Matthew Kelly). They send for Allan Woodcourt (Richard Harrington) instead, who quickly improves Caddy's condition. It's more than evident that the flame still burns between him and Esther. However, she firmly attempts to hold her feelings in check.Later, at Ada's 21st birthday party, Richard makes a rare visit to his guardian's house but finds it very difficult to conceal his hostility. When Ada remarks to Esther of Woodcourt's evident feelings for her, Esther owns up to her engagement to Jarndyce (Denis Lawson). Ada's shocked to have been excluded from the secret.Meanwhile, in the middle of Phil's birthday celebrations, Bucket arrests Sergeant George. It appears that he's wrapped up the Tulkinghorn murder case quickly. But a spate of poison-pen letters which suggest that all's not as it seems and that Lady Dedlock is a 'murderess'.

Jarndyce (Denis Lawson) brings Mrs Rouncewell (Anne Reid) to her son, Sergeant George (Hugo Speer), and they're reunited in his cell. She pleads with him to use a lawye. Eventually he relents, on condition that his brother is not involved. Their old rivalry still won't let him swallow his pride.Inspector Bucket (Alun Armstrong) continues his investigations, after receiving a poison pen letter pointing the finger of suspicion at Lady Dedlock (Gillian Anderson). He interviews Mercury (Richard Cant) about Lady Dedlock's movements on the night in question. But the footman can't quite place what Lady Dedlock wore for her night walk, as she has so many clothes.Above stairs, Mrs Rouncewell pays an unexpected visit to the Dedlocks' London house, where she begs her mistress to help George. She hands over a letter which was delivered to her at Chesney Wold. Alone, Lady Dedlock opens it. It reads 'Lady Dedlock Murderess'.Elsewhere, Woodcourt (Richard Harrington) and Richard (Patrick Kennedy) have become good friends. Woodcourt talks of his envy of the love Ada (Carey Mulligan) holds for Richard. He wishes he had the same from Esther (Anna Maxwell Martin), and reveals his intention to propose to her soon.Next day, Esther and Ada pay Richard a visit. Esther is surprised that Ada seems to know the way there. Richard greets them warmly but is clearly very unwell. Esther is devastated to learn that Ada is not going back with her. She and Richard have married in secret, and she is staying with her husband.Inspector Bucket's investigation gathers steam when he identifies the mysterious letter-writer as Hortense (Lilo Baur). As evidence mounts against Lady Dedlock, Bucket sets a trap for the killer - which results in the arrest of Hortense for the murder of Tulkinghorn (Charles Dance).

Esther (Anna Maxwell Martin) tells Jarndyce (Denis Lawson) about Richard (Patrick Kennedy) and Ada's (Carey Mulligan) marriage. Later, Woodcourt (Richard Harrington) visits Esther to talk about Richard's increasing ill health, and his concerns about Skimpole's (Nathaniel Parker) negative influence upon him.Elsewhere, Sergeant George (Hugo Speer) is released from prison. His mother, Mrs Rouncewell (Anne Reid) is delighted that her son is a free man. She tells him that she's found a solution to his financial worries. She has arranged with Sir Leicester (Timothy West) that he can work at Chesney Wold, looking after the horses. Phil (Michael Smiley) will join them.There's yet more trouble for Lady Dedlock (Gillian Anderson) in the shape of the evil moneylender, Smallweed (Phil Davis). He obtains the love letters exchanged between Lady Dedlock and Captain Hawdon (John Lynch) and sells them to Sir Leicester. Tipped off by Guppy (Burn Gorman), Lady Dedlock flees into the night, determined not to bring shame on the family name.After a long search, Esther and Bucket (Alun Armstrong) find her dead at the gates of the cemetery where Captain Hawdon lies buried.

Months have passed since Lady Dedlock's (Gillian Anderson) death. Richard's (Patrick Kennedy) obsession with Chancery has left him seriously ill. When Esther (Anna Maxwell Martin) visits Ada (Carey Mulligan), she finds her desperately concerned for Richard's health. Ada also reveals she's pregnant, but doubts Richard will live to see his child.Woodcourt (Richard Harrington) tells Esther that Jarndyce (Denis Lawson) has found him a position as a medical practitioner in the North. He plans to take the job, but first declares Esther the love of his life, and proposes. He wants to take her with him to Yorkshire. However, Esther has to turn him down, admitting she's not free to marry since she's engaged to Jarndyce.Esther's left very upset, but pulls herself together and asks Jarndyce the next morning to set a date for their wedding. They will marry in a month.Meanwhile, Smallweed (Phil Davis) discovers an important document amongst Krook's (Johnny Vegas) many papers – a will from the original John Jarndyce. The impossible finally happens – a result in Chancery.Richard's the true heir to the inheritance - but all the money goes on court casts. The only victor is Chancery itself. It's the final blow to Richard who dies shortly afterwards.Jarndyce breaks off his engagement to Esther. He realises she's in love with Woodcourt, and leaves the pair free to marry.

Months have passed since the dramas surrounding Tulkinghorn's death in the final instalment of the Charles Dickens adaptation. Ada worries that a desperately ill Richard will not live to see the child they are expecting. Esther is forced to turn down the heartfelt advances of Woodcourt, and Smallweed makes a discovery that leads to the sudden conclusion of the long-running Jarndyce case - but the result shocks everyone concerned