Status beendetSender RTL PassionErstaustrahlung 14 February 2013Laufzeit 60 MinutenGenres Drama

England in den fünfziger Jahren. Als die junge Jenny Lee (Jessica Raine) das Angebot annimmt, als Hebamme im „Nonnatus House“ zu arbeiten, ahnt sie nicht, dass sie keine kleine Privatklinik, sondern ein großes Nonnenkonvent im Londoner East End erwartet. Ihre neue Arbeit als Geburtshelferin stellt sie so nicht nur vor neuen beruflichen, sondern auch privaten Herausforderungen...

1x1 Heldinnen

14 February 2013

Jenny Lee start her midwife career at Nonnatus House in London. She is surprised to find that it is a nursing convent and not a hospital. Her first case is a woman pregnant for the 25th time!

1x2 Schwester Chummy

22 February 2013

A new girl arrives Nonnatus House and finds it hard to earn the respect of Sister Evangelina. Jenny sees an unfamiliar darker side of life following an encounter with a runaway.

Jenny does some district nursing to extend her community practice experience and befriends an old soldier with awful leg ulcers. Trixie and Cynthia enrol Winnie Lawson as a new patient.

1x4 Der Ring

08 March 2013

A baby girl is snatched from her pram and the local community unites for the search. Cynthia sees another sort of loss as she tends to soon-to-be parents David and Margaret.

When Peggy's brother is diagnosed with cancer, Jenny and the nuns are called upon to care for him. Jenny gets to know the siblings better. The Nonnatus House residents get involved in Fred’s latest money-making scheme which involves a pig called Evie.

1x6 Lebenswege

25 March 2013

When Chummy's imperious mother visits and disapproves of Peter Noakes, Chummy defies her mother and has her wedding on her own terms. Senile Sister Monica Joan is arrested for shoplifting.