Status beendetSender ProSieben MAXXErstaustrahlung 22 February 2025Laufzeit 25 MinutenGenres Action, Animation, Anime, Fantasy

Dragonball Kai ist eine "aufgefrischte" Version der alten Dragonball Z-Folgen, die am 5. April 2009 um 9:00 auf dem japanischen Fernsehsender Fuji TV ihre Premiere feierte. Zu den Änderungen der als "Akira Toriyama Original Cut" beworbenen Serie gehören der Wegfall der meisten Filler-Szenen, neu aufgenommene Dialoge, neue Musik, erneuerte Sound-Effekte und neue digitale Effekte. Die Handlung der Neufassung beginnt mit Inhalten aus dem Fernsehspecial, das in Deutschland auf DVD unter dem Titel "Das Bardock Special" erschien. Es zeigt die Vorgeschichte um die Vernichtung der Saiyajin durch Freezer und enthält zur Einleitung auch Footages aus der ersten Fernsehserie, ehe die eigentliche Handlung zum gleichen Zeitpunkt wie im Original einsetzt.

Long ago, Bardock, a Saiyan warrior died in an attempt to stop Freeza, a galactic tyrant who ruled over the vast reaches of space. But before Freeza destroys Bardock's home planet, one space pod seems to have escaped only moments beforehand. Kakarrot, Bardock's son, had escaped the planet's explosion and was sent to Earth to follow through with Freeza's orders of conquering it. Upon crash landing on Earth, however, Kakarrot is found by an elderly man, Son Gohan, who raises him as his own, naming him Son Goku. Years pass and Goku ends up serving as Earth's greatest protector, completely unaware of his Saiyan heritage. But it seems that Goku is not the only survivor of his home planet, as another Saiyan has reached Earth to remind him of his true purpose.

A stranger claiming to be Goku's older brother has kidnapped Gohan. Unable to defeat him alone, Goku is forced to team up with his enemy, Piccolo, in an attempt to rescue his son.

Unable to withstand Raditz's brute strength, Goku and Piccolo rely on Piccolo's latest technique in a last ditch effort. Will the makankosappo be enough to defeat Raditz or will a looming third fighter finally be enough to even the playing field?

With the battle against Raditz finally over, the Earth's fighters begin to train for the greater Saiyan threat to arrive within the following year.

As the year of training in preparation for the Saiyans begins, Piccolo is having more trouble than he anticipated as Gohan transforms into his Oozaru state on the full moon.

While Gohan begins to better survive in the wilderness in his training for the Saiyans, Goku finally reaches the end of Serpentine Road to meet Kaio--a rather peculiar master.

Goku continues his training under Kaio. His first challenge: catching Kaio's pet monkey Bubbles under 10 times Earth's gravity.

The year wait has finally passed, as the two Saiyans finally arrive to the planet. However, Kaio seems to have made a mistake in Goku's training which may mean either life or death for Earth!

The Saiyans have reached the planet and have encountered the fighters of Earth. However, instead of a direct confrontation, the foes unleash the Saibaimen, cultivated life-forms, on the fighters.

With Kuririn having defeated the Saibaimen, the Earth's heroes are now up against Nappa. But with another Saiyan waiting on the sidelines, will the remaining fighters be able to hold their own until Goku arrives?

Goku has finally reached the start of the Serpentine Road and continues his way towards the battle field. But will he be able to reach his comrades in time within Vegeta's three hours of allotted time?

Goku has finally reached the battle grounds, ready to fight Nappa in revenge for his fallen comrades.

It's Saiyan Peasant versus Saiyan Elite as Goku and Vegeta engage in battle.

The battle against Vegeta continues as the two Saiyajin give their all in a beam struggle.

Gohan and Kuririn arrive to the battlefield to help out the already worn out Goku. But with Vegeta having transformed into the mighty Oozaru, will their help be enough?

With our heroes in worse shape than ever, it seems that Vegeta will have his victory over the Earth. However, with Vegeta's artificial moon still active, there may be one last chance for a miracle.

Goku begs Krillin to spare Vegeta's life, allowing Vegeta to escape Earth. Bulma, Roshi then come on the scene to find Goku, Gohan, Yajirobe, and Krillin. Mourning the loss of their other friends, Krillin explains that the warriors may find Dragon Balls on Piccolo's home planet, Namek. With help from Kai-o, Goku and friends decide to go to Namek to find the Dragon Balls so they can wish their friends back to life.

Goku, Krillin, and Gohan are in the hospital recovering from the battle with Vegeta. Their friends and family come visit. When the television is turned on, they see a report about Nappa's Space-Pod. Bulma, thinking she's pressed the button that will have it fly towards them, instead self-destructs the pod. Before everyone gives up hope, Mr. Popo arrives, and tells them that he knows of another spaceship. It's the Namekian ship that Kami used to come to earth when he was a boy. Bulma reluctantly agrees to inspect it up in Yunzabit Heights with him. They realize the craft is voice-activated in the native Namekian language. Bulma converts the language to english in a few weeks with Gohan and Krillin deciding to accompany her on her journey to planet Namek in search for the Dragon Balls.

While on their journey to Namek, Gohan and Krillin practice image training. Meanwhile, Vegeta has landed on Planet Frieza No. 79, and after being revived, heads to Namek to collect the Dragon Balls once Kui tells him Lord Frieza is currently there. After 30 days aboard Kami's old space-vessel, Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan arrive on Namek. Bulma uses her scouter and notices that four of the seven dragon balls are together already. Gohan senses evil ki, but Bulma reassures them that the Namekians probably are the ones who have them. They notice Vegeta's spacepod fly overhead and land in the distance, along with a second spacepod shortly after. Vegeta isn't too thrilled to find out Zarbon and Dodoria are also accompanying Frieza.

Freiza continues to collect the Namekian dragon balls, while Vegeta deals Kui. Meanwhile, Krillian and Gohan battle more of Freiza's goons, but not before they destroy the spaceship they used to reach the planet.

Goku arrives at Capsule Corp. where Dr Briefs has prepared a spaceship for him to travel to Namek in six days, as well as train. Goku begins to train at 20G as he takes off for Namek. Meanwhile, the Namekians begin to fight back against Frieza's men, however Zarbon proves too powerful. Discovering that their people are being located via their scouters, the Namekians destroy the scouters. Dodoria filled with rage, rushes into the fray to make the locales regret the day they ever crossed Frieza.

Krillin and Gohan save a young Namekian boy from Dodoria's attack. The three fly away and manage to hide from the pursuing Dodoria, who is soon after attacked by Vegeta. The two fight briefly. Dodoria begs for his life, offering to tell Vegeta the true story of his home planet's destruction. Vegeta releases Dodoria from his grip, and Dodoria reveals that it was Frieza who destroyed Planet Vegeta out of fear for the Saiyan race's potential. Vegeta is furious at being lied to and being used by Frieza, and kills a fleeing Dodoria.

Having escaped Freeza's spaceship, Vegeta terrorizes a Namekian village for their dragon ball.

While training on his way to Namek, Goku receives news of a certain group of warriors having reached Kaio's planet for training of their own. Also, Vegeta clashes with Zarbon, a powerful henchman of Freeza who can increase his strength at the cost of his beauty.

As the dragon ball hunt on Namek continues, Dende takes Kuririn to the Saichoro, the father of every other Namekian on the planet. Elsewhere, the defeated Vegeta is taken into Freeza's spaceship.

Recovering quicker than expected, Vegeta is able to escape from Freeza's ship with all five of his dragon balls. Now, with only two more dragon balls to go, it is only a matter of time before Vegeta and the Earthlings cross paths. Matters only worsen when Zarbon arrives on the scene, eagerly awaiting a rematch with the Saiyan Prince.

Krillin surrenders his Dragon Ball to Vegeta after Zarbon was killed, knowing he wouldn't stand against him. While returning to his stashed Dragon Balls, Vegeta senses Gohan. Gohan also senses Vegeta, so he masks his ki and hides his newly found Dragon Ball. Vegeta eventually coaxes Gohan out but doesn't see the hidden Dragon Ball. Thinking he has all seven Dragon Balls, Vegeta lets Gohan live and takes off. After returning to the nearby Namek lake, Vegerta realizes Gohan had taken his hidden Dragon Ball and goes berserk. Meanwhile, Frieza is informed that the Ginyu Force will be arriving shortly and Goku continues his training at intense gravity levels.

Krillin takes Gohan to see the Eldest Namek to have his inner power released. However, Vegeta senses them while flying toward the hut, and confronts them. Nail, the Eldest Namek's chief warrior and right-hand man, informs the trio of a powerful force approaching the planet. Vegeta knows it is the Ginyu Force, Frieza's 5 most elite henchmen. Reluctantly, Gohan and Krillin agree to use the Dragon Balls to make Vegeta immortal so that he can defeat them easier. They rush to retrieve the Dragon Ball they left with Bulma, and meanwhile, the Ginyu Force lands on the planet and meets up with Frieza.

Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan race to the remaining five Dragon Balls that Vegeta had hidden, in an attempt to grant Vegeta the wish of eternal life, in order to stand a chance against the Ginyu Force. The Ginyu Force beats them there, and with speed and a time freeze, swipe the two remaining Dragon Balls. Captain Ginyu takes the seven Dragon Balls to Frieza, and allows the other members to play Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide who gets to fight who. Recoome wins a fight with Vegeta and Guldo wins a fight with Krillin and Gohan. Krillin and Gohan fight Guldo first. After proving that they are no easy match for him, Guldo paralyzes the two with his ESP. Vegeta kills Guldo before any harm is done to the Earthlings, so Recoome decides he's next to fight. Meanwhile, Goku is ten minutes from landing on Namek.

Vegeta begins battling Recoome, the big brute of the Ginyu Force. While the Saiyan prince manages to get in a few good blows, ultimately Recoome doesn't seem to be taking any pain. Gohan and Krillin enter battle after Vegeta becomes too badly injured to continue fighting, but quickly find themselves beaten and outclassed by the hulking Ginyu Force member as well. Meanwhile, Frieza attempts to use the Dragon Balls but nothing happens, prompting him to leave Ginyu to guard the balls while he himself goes to look for Namekians to tell him how to become immortal. Just when all seems lost in Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan's fight with Recoome, Goku's Capsule Corporation ship finally touches down on Planet Namek.

Goku enters the battle after giving Senzus to Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta, and things quickly take a turn for the better. Recoome, charging up a deadly attack, is defeated by a single blow from Goku. Jeice and Burter leap into battle trying a variety of techniques - none of which have the least bit of effect on Goku. Burter is knocked out by a few swift attacks from Goku, as Jeice stares in awe at his latest opponent - having never faced someone so powerful.

Goku tells Jeice to take the beaten Recoome and Burter and leave the planet forever. Jeice flees to Captain Ginyu and tells him what has happened. Captain Ginyu has Frieza's men bury the Dragon Balls then sets out with Jeice towards Goku. Meanwhile, Vegeta kills Burter then Recoome. Also, Krillin and Gohan realize that Frieza is heading towards Elder Guru in order to obtain the password to summon the Namekian Dragon. Shortly after this, Captain Ginyu and Jeice arrive to battle Goku. Goku tells Krillin and Gohan to leave. Vegeta tricks Goku and flies away, leaving Goku to fight alone. Goku and Captain Ginyu fight, and after a while Captain Ginyu asks Goku to release his true power. Goku abides and begins to power up.

Goku powers up to his maximum level - which is far greater than that of even Captain Ginyu! Yet, for some strange reason, Goku's current enemy doesn't seem too worried. After the Eldest Namek gives Dende a mysterious new power and sends him off to meet the Earthlings, Nail begins battling Frieza. While Frieza is clearly the stronger of the two, he is surprised at Nail's ability to regenerate lost limbs. Gohan and Krillin rescue Bulma from a dinosaur attack, and take the Dragon Radar to find where Frieza took the Dragon Balls to. As the episode ends, Ginyu makes the strange move of wounding himself, and firing a strange beam at Goku.

Having switched bodies with Goku, Ginyu races back to the dragon balls' location alongside Jeice only to cross paths with Vegeta, Kuririn and Gohan. As the three prepare for another fight, the injured Goku does his best to reach their location to get his body back.

After killing Jeice, Vegeta sets his sights on Ginyu (still in Goku's body.) Vegeta effortlessly pummels Ginyu, and an attempt by Ginyu to get Vegeta's body is thwarted by Goku who intervenes - ending up back in his own (wounded) body, and Ginyu going back to the body he had before - which he had deliberately wounded. Vegeta begins thrashing Ginyu in his native body, and once again quick thinking on Goku's part prevents Vegeta from being swapped with Ginyu's body - Goku throws a Namekian frog in the path of the beam, trapping Ginyu in the frog's body. Vegeta places Goku in a rejuvenation chamber inside Frieza's spaceship and gives armor to Krillin and Gohan - knowing an inevitable battle against Frieza is in their future. Vegeta begins sleeping to regain strength he lost while fighting Ginyu. Meanwhile, Nail continues to fight Frieza and does no damage to the tyrant. Once beaten and fallen, Nail reveals the truth - the fight was just a diversion to get the password to use the Dragon Balls to the Earthlings! Frieza begins charging back towards his spaceship, noticing his scouter no longer shows the power levels for the Ginyu Force. Krillin, Gohan, and Dende take the Dragon Balls, and Dende uses the password to summmon Porunga, the Namekian Dragon Balls' equivalent of Shenron.

Porunga, the Namekian Eternal Dragon, is summoned. However Krillin, Gohan and Dende are met with some bad news when they discover that only one dead friend can be resurrected per wish! Piccolo communicates with the Earthlings, telling them to revive him and wish him to the Planet Namek. Dende speaks the first wish and Piccolo's halo disappears - and Kami is resurrected on Earth, much to Mr. Popo's joy. The second wish is made, however, Piccolo is nowhere in sight. Dende tells them that they wished him to the Planet Namek and not their specific location, however - so the third wish can be used to transport him to that particular spot. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worst. Vegeta is awakened by sensing the approaching Frieza's power, and quickly awakens and rushes to where the Earthlings are making their wishes. He threatens them for stealing his chance at immortality, though they accidentally reveal that there is one more wish left - which he would be able to use to get immortality. He tells Dende to make him immortal, and with Frieza fast approaching, Krillin reluctantly tells Dende to wish Vegeta immortal - stating that, if nothing else, he is at least better than Frieza. Before he can deliver the wish, however, the Eldest Namek dies, causing the Dragon Balls to stop working. Vegeta is outraged at the Earthlings since his chance for immortality has one again been foiled. His anger at the Earthlings doesn't last, however, since Frieza arrives at the battlefield at that very moment. The tyrant begins charging up, terrifying everyone but Vegeta who seems strangely calm. The entire planet begins to shake violently as Frieza summons his power - as Goku remains in the rejuvenation chamber, slowly still recovering from the injuries his body had taken during the earlier Ginyu conflict.

Piccolo arrives on Planet Namek following being resurrected and wished there. He begins rushing towards the battlefield, and along the way encounters an ailing Nail, on the brink of death. Piccolo reluctantly performs Namekian fusion with Nail, which increases his power substantially, and begins rushing back to the battlefield. Meanwhile, Frieza, after battling the Earthlings and Vegeta in his first form, transforms to his second form following some goading from Vegeta - and this increases the tyrant's power level to over a million! With his increased power, Frieza charges at Krillin in the air, impaling him on his horn.

With Goku still healing from the previous battle and Piccolo still on the way to their location, Gohan takes it upon himself to hold up against the might that is Freeza's transformed self.

While Goku continues to recover in the rejuvenation chamber at Frieza's ship, Piccolo begins battling Frieza himself - and surprisingly manages to hold his own! The two exchange blows pretty evenly for a good portion of the fight. Piccolo realizes Frieza slightly holds the upper hand, so he removes his weighted clothing and begins winning against the tyrant. Frieza finds himself backed into a corner, so he decides it is best to transform again to fight Piccolo. Becoming his grotesque, ugly third form, Frieza once again gains the upper hand and begins obliterating Piccolo with a rapid finger beam blast. Gohan rushes to rescue his mentor, and when Krillin tries to follow suit, Vegeta stops him - revealing to Krillin he may have a strategy that will allow him to defeat the tyrant.

Frieza dodges Gohan's attack but quickly finds himself on the receiving end once again - the young half Saiyan unleashes a massive energy blast that even the tyrant himself has difficulty deflecting! Upon seeing what he is up against in the form of these warriors who seem to be getting progressively stronger, Frieza begins transforming to his fourth form - the final and most powerful. Vegeta's plan to defeat Frieza involves having himself mortally wounded and then being healed by Dende - which the Saiyan prince achieves by having Krillin shoot an energy blast through his chest. Dende has no interest in healing Vegeta (who harmed so many of his people), however, and flies over to heal Piccolo instead. However, Nail's essence within Piccolo tells him that healing Vegeta may be the only way to win the fight - so Dende reluctantly does so. Frieza eventually reaches his final form, and immediately kills Dende with an energy blast - having witnessed his healing abilities while transforming. Krillin, Gohan, and Piccolo go on the attack but the tyrant dodges every single attack they throw his way. Vegeta watches them fight from a hill, preparing to charge up to his newfound power level as Gohan finds himself on a direct collision course with another one of Frieza's blasts.

Able to follow Freeza's movements closer than before, Vegeta believes to have reached the legendary Super Saiyan state. But this still means nothing to Freeza, who is able to counter each of Vegeta's attacks. The Saiyan Prince begins to weep in despair, the nobody able to help him at this point... until Goku arrives

As Goku calmly makes his way through the battlefield, he is able to deflect all of Freeza's coming attacks as if he has reached a new state of mind. He approaches the dying Vegeta, who tells him that Freeza must die by a Saiyan's hands before finally dying himself.

Goku is back in full form as he faces Freeza in his final form.

As the battle between Goku and Freeza continues, Ginyu, still in frog form, encounters Bulma in hopes of a new body to possess.

Ginyu tries to steal Piccolo's body, but is foiled by Gohan who throws the frog body back in the way, restoring he and Bulma back to the way they were. Meanwhile, Goku continues to be thrashed by Frieza. However, he sees a vision of how Frieza could destroy everything he knows and loves - and finds a new level of strength as a result! Goku lets loose with a massive Kamehameha that even Frieza himself has difficulty deflecting! Unfortunately, it isn't enough and Goku quickly finds himself of the receiving end again. Once again, he begins seeing a vision, this time of Vegeta and other Saiyans of the past, including his father Bardock. Motivated once again, he lunges at Frieza, powered up.

Losing the upper hand fast, Goku is forced to leave himself vulnerable to Freeza's attacks as he slowly gathers energy for a Genki-dama.

The death of a long-time comrade triggers a mysterious transformation in Goku.

The transformed Goku renews his battle with Frieza and proves to now be far superior to Frieza's power. Frieza launches several counter-attacks at Goku, but they have no effect at all. As the tyrant stares in awe at his more-powerful opponent, he realizes that his worst nightmare has finally come true - the legendary Super Saiyan has been born! In a desperate attempt to defeat Goku, Frieza hurls an attack down upon Namek itself, in an effort to destroy the planet and everyone on it.

Frieza's attack detonates the planet's core and he claims that Namek will explode in five minutes. Goku is confident that he can defeat Frieza and escape with the others within that time, however, Frieza decides to power up to 100% of his full power. Much to King Kai's amazement, Goku allows Frieza to reach his full power, wishing to defeat the tyrant at his best. Meanwhile, Gohan drops off the injured Piccolo at Goku's spaceship and then goes to find Bulma.

As the epic battle between Goku and Frieza rages on the dying Planet Namek, King Kai is infomred by Kami on Earth that Mr. Popo has gathered all seven Dragon Balls. Upon learning of the Earth's Dragon Balls' ability to resurrect multiple people in a single wish, King Kai asks that they be used to bring back to life all those on Namek who were killed by Frieza and his minions, thus also bringing back Guru, whose natural death was hastened just slightly by all the suffering Frieza had caused his planet, as well as the Namekian Dragon Balls, which still have one more wish to be used. King Kai plans to use this final wish to teleport everyone on Namek to Earth execpt for Frieza, leaving the tyrant to be the only one present when Namek explodes. Mr. Popo then summons Shenron and fulfills King Kai's first wish.

Shenron succeeds in resurrecting everyone killed by Frieza and his henchmen on Namek, including Vegeta and Dende, and Guru and the Namekian Dragon Balls are also brought back. Frieza seems to have defeated Goku, but Gohan returns to the battlefield to avenge his father. Frieza nearly kills Gohan, however, Goku re-emerges and orders Gohan to leave once again. Meanwhile, Guru sends Dende to Porunga and use the final wish to teleport everyone on Namek to Earth except Frieza. However, Goku requests that he remain on Namek as well, so he can finish Frieza off. Porunga fulfills this wish and teleports everyone to Earth execpt Goku and Frieza. The two combatants then prepare themselves for the final round before Namek's explosion.

As the battle continues, it seems neither warrior is going to win before Namek's explosion. However, Goku soon notices that Frieza's power is quickly decreasing, due to the protracted battle wearing him out. Eventually, Goku decides to call it quits and begins to depart towards his spaceship. Unable to accept this, Frieza launches a pair of heat-seeking energy disks at Goku. The Super Saiyan manages to avoid this, however, and eventually Frieza is sliced in half by his own attack.

On Earth, Guru finally passes, but before his death, he gives his power to the Namekian Moori, making him the new Elder. Meanwhile, on Namek, the dying Frieza begs for mercy from Goku. Despite his better judgement, Goku cannot ignore Frieza's pleas for help and gives the tyrant some of his own energy before departing. However, Frieza lets his pride get the better of him and unleashes one final energy blast at Goku, but the Super Saiyan easily repels the blast right back at the tyrant and seemingly destroys Frieza. Goku then attempts to escape in Frieza's spaceship, but is unable to make it take off. Namek finally explodes and it appears that Goku perishes along with it.

Following Planet Namek's destruction, King Kai informs Bulma and the others on Earth of Goku's apparent death, and that even though the Namekian Dragon Balls can resurrect Goku and Krillin, they will be brought back to where Namek used to be and die again. However, Vegeta comes up with the idea of using the Dragon Balls to first bring Goku and Krillin's souls to the Earth's check-in station in the afterlife. 130 days later, the Namekian Dragon Balls are re-active, and the first two wishes are used to successfully revive Krillin, but it is revealed that Goku is still alive and that he will return to Earth on his own later. Yamcha is then brought back to life with the third wish. Another 130 days later, the Namekian Dragon Balls are used to revive both Tien and Chiaotzu, and are then used to teleport all of the Namekians (minus Piccolo) to a new planet. The Z Fighters then return to their peaceful lives, while waiting for Goku to return.

A year has passed and still Goku has not returned to Earth. However, it is revealed that Frieza managed to survive his battle with the Super Saiyan, has been rebuilt into a cyborg by his father King Cold, and is heading towards Earth, intending to exact revenge on Goku. The rest of the Z Fighters gather to defend the Earth from Frieza, despite knowing that they don't stand a chance without Goku. However, as soon as Frieza, King Cold, and their army of foot soldiers arrive on Earth, they are met by a mysterious teenager wielding a sword, who claims that he's come to kill them.

The mysterious teenager easily takes out Frieza's foot soldiers, then surprises Frieza by transforming into a Super Saiyan. The evil tyrant attempts to destroy this second Super Saiyan, but has no success. Eventually, the teenager slices Frieza into pieces with his sword, before blasting him away. King Cold tries to defeat the Super Saiyan himself, but is also easily destroyed. After reverting to his normal state, the teenager spots the Z Fighters and claims that Goku will be arriving nearby soon. He then invites them to join him in awaiting Goku's arrival.

After three hours of waiting, a space pod crash lands on Earth and Goku emerges from it. There is no time for celebration, however, as the mysterious teenager pulls Goku aside to talk with him in private. After testing Goku's Super Saiyan powers, the teenager reveals that his name is Trunks and that he comes from an apocolyptic future 20 years from the present, as well as that he is the future son of Bulma and Vegeta. He further informs Goku that in three years from now, a pair of deadly androids, built by Dr. Gero of the former Red Ribbon Army, will begin a rampage on Earth and kill all of the Z Fighters, except for Goku, who will die from a heart virus some time before their assault. Trunks then supplies Goku with a heart antidote that Future Bulma made for him, instructing him to take it when the virus attacks him. Goku promises that he and the other Z Fighters will train hard for the next three years to prepare for the androids' assault, and Trunks returns to the future in his time machine.

Vegeta asks Goku how he managed to survive Planet Namek's destruction. Goku then explains that just seconds before Namek exploded, he found one of the Ginyu Force's space pods and used it to escape. He further explains that he eventually landed on Planet Yardrat and was nursed back to health by the friendly inhabitants of the planet. He also reveals that he learned from them a special teleportation technique called "Instant Transmission." The Z Fighters then go their separate ways to each begin preparing themselves for the androids' assault. After three years of intense training, they all head off to meet on the island that Trunks informed Goku where the androids will begin their attack.

The Z Fighters (plus Bulma with a young Trunks) gather at the island in anticipation of the androids' attack. However, as the time approaches, Gohan reasons that due to being artificial humans, their enemies have no readable ki and can therefore only be found visually. The fighters then descend into the nearby city to search out their enemies. After a period of searching, Yamcha becomes the first victim of the androids, after being impaled and having his energy absorbed by Android #20. The others arrive just in time to save him, and Goku eventually persuades the androids to move to a new location to fight after a large portion of the city is destroyed.

As Goku, Piccolo and Tien take the androids to a new location to battle, Krillin revives Yamcha with a sensu bean. However, once Yamcha reveals the androids' ability to absorb energy, the three of them (Yamcha, Krillin and Gohan) head off to warn the others. Meanwhile, it is revealed to Goku that the androids are a result of years of research conducted by Dr. Gero, in which miniature spy robots were used to analyse Goku's fighting techniques and developments in strength, all in an attempt to exact revenge on Goku for destroying the Red Ribbon Army. As a battles ensues between Super Saiyan Goku and Android #19, it becomes evident that Goku is losing the upper hand, especially once the android absorbs Goku's Kamehameha wave. Gohan then reveals that Goku never became sick from the heart virus (as was predicted by Trunks), and that it seems to have affected him six months later than planned. As Goku struggles to fight, the android prepares to finish the battle by absorbing Goku's remaining energy.

Before Android #19 can finish draining Goku's energy, Vegeta finally arrives, saving Goku by kicking the android in the face. Yamcha then escorts Goku away from the battlefield. Vegeta then squares up to the androids, and much to everyone's surprise, transforms into a Super Saiyan. It is revealed that whereas Goku's transformation was triggered by the desire to protect his friends and family, Vegeta's was triggered purely by the desire to become stronger, as well as his anger at being surpassed by Goku. The battle then begins, and it's clear that Vegeta has the edge over Android #19. Even the android's energy absorption attack proves futile, as Vegeta tears off the android's arms, making the technique impossible to use. As the android runs in fear, Vegeta launches his 'Big Bang Attack' and finishes the battle, leaving nothing but the android's head intact. Android 20 then escapes into the nearby cliffs, planning to use the terrain to launch a surprise attack on the fighters.

The Z Fighters split up to search the area for Android #20. Frustrated at his enemy's deceptiveness, Vegeta fires a large ki blast at the cliffs, planning to level the area. Seeing this opportunity, Android #20 emerges from his hiding place, only to absorb Vegeta's blast and run away before Vegeta can catch up. He then attacks Piccolo from behind and begins to drain his energy, although this is thwarted by Gohan, who senses Piccolo's fading ki and attacks the android. After receiving a sensu bean, Piccolo then faces off against his attacker, and proves to be more than a match for the android. Meanwhile, Trunks finally returns from the future, and is disturbed to find that the remains of Android #19 are different from the androids that he faced in his own timeline. He then arrives at the current battlefield, and also seems not to recognise Android #20. Realising that he has no chance of victory, Android #20 decides to retreat to his laboratory, but not before launching a huge blast that engulfs most of the area - including Bulma's ship, which plummets towards the ground.

As the dust settles, Android #20 is nowhere to be seen, and it is assumed that he plans to return to the laboratory and awaken Androids #17 and #18 - the androids causing havoc in Trunk's timeline. Meanwhile, Trunks rescues his mother and young self, and berates Vegeta for failing to protect his family. Bulma then reveals that Android #20 may actually be the androids' creator, Dr Gero, who has seemingly converted himself into one as well. The group then plan to find the lab and destroy the androids before Dr Gero can activate them. Vegeta also sets off to find the lab, but with the intentions of fighting the androids as a demonstration of his power. Trunks leaves to stop his father, while Piccolo finally unveils the truth of Trunk's origin to the rest of the group. Meanwhile, Piccolo, Krillin and Tien split up and search the mountains where Dr Gero's lab is rumoured to be located, while Gohan takes Bulma, baby Trunks and Yajrobe to Goku. Meanwhile, Krillin is attacked by the doctor, but is spared when Gero senses Piccolo nearby and escapes.

Dr. Gero finally makes it to his laboratory, with Krillin in hot pursuit. Tien, Piccolo, Vegeta and Trunks soon locate him and break into the lab, although by this point Dr. Gero has already awakened Androids #17 and #18. Although initially appearing loyal, the duo demonstrate their independence when Android #17 destroys Gero's remote, ensuring that he cannot deactivate them should they disobey him, and Android #18 attempts to activate Android #16 - a fully mechanical model deemed a failure by Dr. Gero. Android #17 then kills Dr. Gero, by severing and then crushing his head. In an act of desperation, Trunks launches a large ki blast at the androids, hoping to destroy Android #16 before he is activated. Although the entire lab is decimated, both Androids and #16's pod remain intact, and he is awakened anyway. The trio then decide to carry out their initial orders, and set out to kill Goku. However, their plans are disrupted when Vegeta intervenes, challenging the three androids to a battle. After Android #16 refuses to fight, Android #18 steps up to face Vegeta.

Android #18 fights with Vegeta in Super Saiyan mode and wins easily. First Trunks tries to help Vegeta but gets taken down with one hit and the others also get beaten down effortlessly, except Krillin who stays behind and watches the horror. After the fight, Androids #16,#17,#18 leave but before they do #18 kisses Krillin on the cheek. Krillin then goes and feeds everyone Senzu Beans. Trunks explains how these androids are much stronger than the ones back in his world. Vegeta flies off in anger having being beaten.

Piccolo flies off to try and convince Kami to fuse with Piccolo as it is the only way to stop the androids however Kami believes that the androids are not all that evil and that the only reason they battled against them was because they fought with them first. Kami then decides to wait and see what happens as Piccolo sits down waiting until Kami agrees to merge with him.

Bulma receives a phone call about one of her company's products from Capsule Corporation. She is sent a photograph of what appears to be Trunks' time machine that he travelled in. Trunks investigates this with the others only to discover that it is the exact time-machine that he came in but three years later in his world. He recognizes it because of the word 'Hope' that Bulma wrote on the time-machine. Kami realizes that the evil he felt four years ago wasn't the androids but it was the monster that travelled back in the time-machine.

Trunks, Gohan, and Bulma are investigating the other time machine when Gohan notices a strange shell that has been cast off by a monster. On the way back to her house, Bulma is watching the news which is describing that thousands of people are randomly disappearing as if they melted away in their clothes. She tells the others at Master Roshi's house to tune in and watch as well. Kami watches in horror as the people are killed and finally decides that it is time to merge with Piccolo. Before merging he also says that the evil in Piccolo is mostly gone and the world needs not a Kami right now but a hero. When merged the Namekian states that he is neither Piccolo nor Kami anymore but a Namekien who has long since forgotten his true name then departs off Kami's lookout and arrives at the scene of the crime where all of the killings have been taking place. Trunks also starts heading over there. As Piccolo looks around the monster finally shows himself to Piccolo.

Back at Kami's house Chichi says that Goku is nearly healed. The monster uses the sting on his tail and starts sucking the life force out of a man which causes the man to melt away. The monster seems to know Piccolo's name and says that he is his brother. The others detect multiple Ki readings, seeming to come from many different people, including Goku, all gathered in one spot but everyone states that this is impossible and Gohan goes to check on Goku but he is still fast asleep in his bed. Krillin and Trunks start to head over to Gingertown meanwhile Piccolo and the monster starts fighting. The androids sense an atmospheric vibration and state that one of the power readings rivals Android 17's. The monster survives Piccolo's attack and then uses a Makankosappo on him. Piccolo is shocked but deflects the attack. The monster says that the reason why Piccolo is beating him for now is because he has not achieved his 'perfect form' and the reason why he was sucking all life energy from the people in the town was to increase his own life energy. He also tells Piccolo that the person who sent him back into the time machine was himself;he had to revert himself back into egg form to fit inside the time machine. The monsters suprises Piccolo by using the Kamehameha technique on Piccolo and then teleports behind Piccolo and starts sucking the life out of Piccolo's arm. Piccolo escapes with a shriveled arm by headbutting the monster in the head. The monster states that his name is Cell and that he is an android.

Cell explains that he was born by the computer used by Doctor Gero. A long time ago Doctor Gero began collecting the cells of the greatest warriors to research how he could synthesize an android from these cells. However, because it was taking too much time, he gave up on it partway through but the computer continued its operation. Piccolo, Goku and Vegata's cells were collected at the battle when Vegeta first came to Earth. They also obtained Freeza and his father's cells when they came to Earth which explains all the different ki readings. A small spy robot, similar to Cell, was used to collect the cells while also collecting data and sending it to the computer but Piccolo destroyed it during the fight. Even though Doctor Gero's laboratory was destroyed, there was still a small room beneath the laboratory where the computer is. Cell furthermore explains how once he has turned back into an egg he requires three years underground to mature again and that he came back from the future because the absorption of human essence is not enough to achieve his perfect form; it is necessary for him to merge with two essential specialized life forms which the computer told Cell that they were the androids that Doctor Gero has created #17 and #18! In the future #17 and #18 weren't around but luckily Trunks had his time machine so he killed Trunks and came back to his era in search of #17 and #18. The reason why Cell chose this era was because Trunks's time machine already set for this era to warn the other about the androids so all Cell did was push the switch. The computer also told Cell that once he reaches his perfect form, he will have terrible power far greater than anymore imagined. After obtaining all of the information, Piccolo pulled off his shriveled arm and grew a new one. Just when Piccolo and Cell were about to fight Trunks and Krillin arrive. Realizing he has no chance of winning, Cell retreats by blinding them with Taiyoken and escapes to absorb more humans in the direction of Nickytown. Vegeta arrives at the scene and sees that the massive ki reading was Piccolo and when Tien finally arrives Piccolo explains to everyone what he has learnt from Cell. Meanwhile Cell is absorbing the life energy from passengers in a bus and plans to keep absorbing people till his power level is greater than #17 and the others and then he will make them merge with him for unimaginable power.

After Piccolo has finished explaining, Vegeta flies off stating that he wants to surpass the power of a Super Saiyan. Trunks and Krillin go to Dr.Gero's laboratory to destory the incomplete Cell so he will not be born in their dimension mean-whilst Piccolo and Cell stay behind to search the surroundings. Trunks and Krillin arrive and blast the pile of rubble with their ki and discovers a ladder which leads underneath the laboratory into a room containing the computer and the incomplete Cell. They search around and discover the blueprints for Android #17 then after they make sure to destroy all of the laboratory and the basement. Krillin takes the prints to Bulma's house whilst Trunks decides to go and train with Vegeta. Krillin delivers the prints leaving Bulma and her father to start finding a weak spot on Android #17. Krillin taking a short-cut back to Master Roshi's house encounters Cell who is just about to absorb his next victims, arrives in the nick of time to save them. Krillin being no match for Cell, tells the civilians to escape, then uses the Taiyoken technique to blind Cell in an attempt to escape by grabbing on to a plane but Cell quickly recovers and jumps on top of the plane and starts attacking Krillin again. Just when it seems hopeless for Krillin, Piccolo and Tien arrive to save Krillin. Cell sensing their arrival flees while hiding his presence so no one can track him. 2-3 days later, the news continues to report about Cell's killings. Everyone decides to ride in a hovercraft to reach Cell so that he will not be able to sense them approaching him. Back at Kami's house there is a loud rumble causing Chichi to go and check on Goku but on arrival sees Goku is gone. She looks out of the window and sees that Goku is outside and that it was Goku making the loud noise by performing the Kamehameha technique. Goku tells Chichi that he has fully recovered of the illness and that he knows everything that is going on because he read everyone's minds whilst he was dreaming but says that he plans on training to surpass a Super Saiyan before going off to fight Cell.

Goku uses his instant transmission to take Gohan, Vegata, Trunks with him to the Room of Spirit and Time. The room only has a capacity of two so Goku allows Vegeta and Trunks to go in first. Goku explains a years worth of training in that room is actually only one day in the outside world. When Trunks and Vegeta step inside the room, all they see is a vast amount of nothingness. While this is going on, the Androids arrive at Master Roshi's house and ask for Goku's whereabouts. Piccolo refuses to tell them which results in a fight between Piccolo and Android #17. Piccolo overpowers Android #17 and tries to finish him off but Android #17 manages to dodge the attack. Back at the Room of Spirit and Time, Vegeta and Trunks are due to be coming out of the room any second now which will reveal if it is possible to go beyond a Super Saiyan.

Bulma is hard at work trying to figure out Dr.Gero's prints meanwhile Piccolo and Android #17 are fighting each other. After Android #17 gets serious it turns out that he and Piccolo are evenly matched. Cell senses them two fighting and starts making his way towards them stating that his power level is now higher than theirs. Krillin, and the others on a nearby island, receive a call from Bulma saying that she has completed the switch to shut down the Androids and starts bringing it over. Android #17 states that since his stamina will never drop, he will be the victor of the battle. However, Cell arrives at the scene of the battle leaving Piccolo shocked. Meanwhile, Goku and Gohan are still waiting for Vegeta and Trunks to come out of the Room of Spirit and Time.

Krillin decides that Bulma is taking too long to deliver the switch to turn off the androids so he decides to go and fly there himself to retrieve it as it will be quicker. Piccolo tries to warn Android #17 to run away but he refuses to leading Piccolo to try and fight him but Cell proves to powerful for him and ends up killing him.

Android #16 decides it's time for him to step up and fight and he states that his power level is roughly the same as Cells. Android #16 uses Hells Flash on Cell but he secretly sneaks up behind Android #17 and absorbs him. Having now absorbed Android #17 and gaining a massive increase in power and speed, he effortlessly blasts half of Android #16's face off leaving him helpless on the floor as Cell approaches Android #18 to absorb her. Android #18 tries to detonate the bomb inside her but in order to do that she has to charge up a ki blast but Cell would easily catch up to her before she could suicide. Just when all hope is lost, Tien steps in and uses his Tri-Beam technique on Cell.

Tien uses his Tri-Beam technique on Cell continuously, allowing Android #18 and Android #16 to escape. When Tien has reached his limit and unable to move, Goku appears and rescues both him and Piccolo back to Kami's temple where Vegeta and Trunks step out of the Room of Spirit and Time finishing their training. Trunks tells Goku how Vegeta already surpassed the limits on a Super Saiyan in the first two months but he was not satisfied so they carried on training. Krillin bumps into Bulma who delivers him the remote to switch off the Android and then Krillin instructs Bulma to go to Kami's temple to go and deliver them battle clothes. Vegeta and Trunks make their way towards Cell after wearing the gear while Goku and Gohan prepare to go inside for their turn to train. Meanwhile, Cell is destroying islands in a bid to make Android #18 show herself.

Cell continues to destroy islands until he reaches the final one containing Android #16 and Android #18. Just when Cell was charging up his attack, Vegeta arrives along with Trunks. Cell presumes that he will be fighting both Vegeta and Trunks but Vegeta states that Trunks is only a spectator and transforms into Super Vegeta. Meanwhile Goku and Gohan enter the Room of Spirit and Time to start their own training.

Goku continues to train Gohan, who is still trying to achieve Super Saiyan form. Meanwhile Vegeta effortlessly pushes Cell around and beats him up. Cell curses at how if he was able to absorb Android #18 then he will become his perfect form and be able to defeat Vegeta easily even when he is in his Super Vegeta form. Cell persuades Vegeta into letting him absorb Android #18 because Vegeta would like to fight Cell in his perfect form as Saiyans love fighting. Not far away, Krillin decides not to destroy Android #18 with the emergency shutdown controller because he feels sorry for her how she used to be a human and also because she kissed him.

Cell convinces Vegeta to allow him to absorb Android 18 leaving Trunks to try to stop Cell. While fighting Trunks Cell finally finds Android 18 and results in asking for Vegeta's help. Vegeta attacks Trunks so that Cell may get to Android 18, this leaves Krillin and Android 16 helplessly trying to stop Cell. Will Cell get to Android 18?

Cell has finally achieved his perfect form! In what Cell calls a warm up, Cell matches Vegeta move for move without effort and quickly overpowers Vegeta. Krillin tells Trunks that he knows his secret. A secret Trunks is keeping for his father's pride. Meanwhile, has Gohan attained Super Saiyan?

Vegeta puts all the strength he can into his final flash attack in an attempt to take down cell. Cell takes some considerable damage from Vegeta's ultimate attack, but it's not enough as Cell taps into his powers from Piccolo to regenerate. Cell makes easy work of Super Vegeta leaving Vegeta unconscious.

Trunks unleashes his awesome power and proves stronger than Cell, but it is still not enough to beat Cell. The increased strength is slowing trunks down. Meanwhile Goku and Gohan start training to truely surpass Super Saiyan.

When Krillin and Vegeta arrive Trunks informs everyone of the Tenkaichi Tournament held by Cell and Android #16 asks to be taken back to Capsule Corporation where he can be fixed. Bulma also notifies everyone at Kami's house to go there too to meet up. After Cell finishes making his tournament then he heads off to a news station to broadcast his message via television announcing details about his tournament the Cell Games and if that all the warriors lose to him, he will kill every single last human being. Meanwhile Goku and Gohan are still training.

The people of Earth are in a panic after Cell's announcement of the Cell Games. Meanwhile, Goku and Gohan finish their training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Goku immediately requests that Mr. Popo prepare a meal and Trunks explains the latest Cell developments. Goku then teleports to the site of the Cell Games and confronts Cell. After returning to the lookout, Goku announces he and Gohan will not be entering the Hyperbolic Time Chamber again. Instead, for the remaining nine days until the Cell Games, they will train in the real world. Goku and Gohan then fly to Kame House and greet their remaining friends.

As Piccolo completes his training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and Vegeta takes his place, Goku and Gohan are spending their days relaxing at home. Meanwhile, the Self-Defense Army attempt to launch an offensive strike against Cell, but they are completely wiped out. Hearing about this over the radio, Goku asks Picollo if it is possible to seperate with Kami, so he can use the Dragonballs to revive all the people Cell killed (as they disappeared since they fused together). Since Piccolo can't seperate, Goku theorises that he can convince another Namekian to stay on Earth and create a new set of Dragonballs, and goes to find King Kai so he can find the Namekians.

After getting help from King Kai in locating the planet where the Namekians are staying, Goku travels there and explains the situation. The Grand Elder offers Dende to be the new Kami, and Goku takes him back to Earth. Dende revives the dragon balls, revealing that this time they can use two wishes. During the the ten days leading up to the Cell Games, Goku searches for the newly awakened dragon balls, Vegeta and the others finish their training and a martial arts champion, Hercule, steps up to fight Cell. On the day of the Cell Games, it is revealed that if the new dragon balls are used to revive a mass of people, people who died before won't be revived. Despite the others' concern, Goku remains positive and they all head towards the Cell Games.

As Hercule hypes himself in front of the media, Vegeta, Android 16, Goku and the others arrive at the stage. Hercule insists he goes before him, though when his students Calorie and Piroshiki arrive, he allows them to go first, but they are defeated without Cell needing to move. Hercule tries to intimidate Cell by breaking some tiles and then goes on the attack, but Cell knocks him out of the ring with a single blow, not even bothering to kill him. As Cell wishes to take on a proper opponent, Goku steps into the ring.

Goku and Cell begin to fight and, despite putting on an impressive performance, Gohan and Vegeta both realise that neither is using his full power yet. Both fighters then raise their ki to their maximum. After a brief battle, Cell begins to attack using techniques 'inherited' from other characters--first Tien's Multi-Form technique, then Piccolo's Makankosappo, and finally Frieza's homing Destructo Disc. When Goku overcomes each of these techniques, Cell prepares a full-power Kamehameha capable of destroying the Earth. Goku diverts the attack away from the planet by taking to the sky, and then uses Instant Transmission to return to escape back to the ring.

The battle between Goku and Cell continues, with the two fighters reaching a pace that is barely visible to most of the onlookers. Cell then decides to destroy the tournament ring, ensuring that their battle isn't ended by a ring out and can continue until one of them either dies or surrenders. The battle becomes even more intense, culminating with Goku flying high into the sky building up a powerful Kamehameha. Cell and everyone else states that Goku is bluffing, since from his position in the sky, such an attack would easily destroy the Earth. Goku then unexpectedly uses Instant Transmission to teleport in front of Cell and executes the attack point-blank. While the rest of the world celebrates what they believe to be Cell's ultimate defeat, Goku and company watch as Cell's remaining lower half rises and regenerates his missing parts. While the ki of both fighters has depleted considerably, the battle continues on.

With the battle going nowhere, Goku willfully conceeds. In his place he selects his son - Gohan. However Gohan does not seem too willing to participate.

Gohan shows no willingness to fight, and explains to Cell his reason - whenever he is in battle, he loses control and goes in an all out rage. Unfortunately, this intrigues Cell, and so he decides to enrage the boy by inflicting enough pain to force him to unleash his true strength. After watching Gohan take Cell's punishment, #16 decides to intervene by grabbing Cell and activating the bomb within his own body. Unfortunately, Krillin reveals that while repairing him, Bulma removed #16's bomb, which renders his intervention futile. Cell quickly breaks free of #16's hold, causing his body to shatter - leaving only his head intact. When Cell realizes his attempts at physical intimidation are failing, he devises a plan to attack the ones that are closest to Gohan by spawning seven offspring - the Cell Jr.'s.

Gohan's reluctance reaches it's limit, and #16 asks Mr Satan to carry him over to Gohan to talk to him. #16 explains to Gohan what to fight for, and that it is okay to unleash his anger to save those that he loves. After hearing his words of encouragement, Cell takes his foot and crushes #16's head. Seeing this is ultimately the last straw for Gohan, who finally releases his rage and ascends to the Super Saiyan 2 level. Gohan then turns his attention to the Cell Jr.s, taking them out one-by-one.

After witnessing the death of Android 16 at the hands of Cell, Gohan's anger is ignited and causes him ascend to the level of Super Saiyan 2. Cell is excited that the fight will be more interesting, but Gohan is unamused and snatches the stolen Senzu beans from Cell. Gohan then proceeds to take on all of the Cell Juniors, proving himself impervious to their attacks and effortlessly destroying them. He then throws the Senzu beans to Trunks, who distributes them to his injured comrades. Gohan now focuses his attention on Cell, and from the onset of the battle, it is clear that Gohan holds the advantage.

Cell finally unleashes his full power against Gohan, but even at maximum strength his attacks have no effect on the Super Saiyan 2. After being easily bested in battle, Cell attempts to destroy Gohan and the Earth with a giant Kamehameha, but Gohan produces an even larger wave and deflects the attack with ease. As the rest of the fighters predict an easy victory, Goku recalls that even in the Room of Spirit and Time, Gohan displayed strength far beyond that of a normal Super Saiyan. He then tells Gohan to deliver the finishing blow to Cell, but Gohan insists that Cell must suffer first. Cell then utilises his bulked-up transformation, but the increase in muscle mass lowers his speed greatly and as a result none of his attacks connect with Gohan - who counters with a single blow to the stomach, causing Cell to regurgitate Android 18 and revert back to his semi-perfect form. As the fighters assume that this means victory for Gohan, Cell's body begins to expand to a gigantic size.

Powered down and out of other options, Cell actives his self destruct mechanism causing him expand to balloon like proportions. With mere seconds left, Goku see the threat and heads out to the field. Goku says goodbye to his son and teleports himself and Cell to King Kai's planet, the only safe place he could think of, and Cell explodes destroying the planet and killing everyone there. While back on Earth Gohan is left to grieve, but his sorrow is short lived. As Cell is revealed to still be alive and beyond perfect.

Cell continues to charge his Kamehameha, and reveals that not only has he gathered enough energy to destroy the Earth, but he also now has the potential to destroy the entire solar system with this blast. Meanwhile, Vegeta apologises to Gohan for his recklessness. As Gohan and the others watch on in hopelessness, Goku contacts his son from the afterlife and tells him that even in his injured state he has the potential to defeat Cell. Reinvigorated, Gohan prepares a final, one-handed Kamehameha to repel Cell's blast. As the two warriors struggle to overpower each other, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha and Krillin bombard Cell with ki blasts in a knowingly futile attempt to help, but are easily repelled. As Goku coaxes Gohan to release his full power against Cell, Vegeta returns to the battlefield and launches one final Big Bang Attack, which temporarily distracts Cell. Seeing the opportunity, Gohan finally releases his full strength and overpowers Cell's wave, obliterating Cell's body and and saving the Earth from destruction. Gohan has won and the Cell Games are finally over.

Gohan has defeated Cell and the world is now safe. The heroes call upon Shenron to revive those who lost their lives, except Goku doesn’t want to return. In his place, Android 17 and 18 are revived, as humans.

Trunks returns to the future and is reunited with Bulma. As tranquility seems to return, the androids are attacking again. Trunks saves an elderly man from being killed by Androids #17 and #18. Thanks to his training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Trunks easily destroys the two androids. Three years later, Trunks prepares to head back into the past to tell everyone of his victory. However, there is still one more android to stop: Cell, in his Imperfect Form. After a brief fight, Trunks launches Cell into the air and destroys him with ease as well. Peace is finally restored to the future timeline. Back in the present, Goku begins his "life" in the Other World.