Status beendetSender VOXErstaustrahlung 18 February 2013Laufzeit 45 MinutenGenres Drama, Fantasy, Horror

All die gruseligen Gestalten aus den Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm? Sie existieren tatsächlich, ebenso wie die Grimms selbst, nur dass es sich dabei heute mehr um eine Art Berufsbezeichnung handelt. Detective Nick Burkhardt ist nicht nur Polizist in Portland, er ist auch ein Grimm. Dadurch kann er hinter die menschliche Maske der diversen Monstren blicken und ihr wahres Gesicht erkennen. Doch wie so oft im Leben ist nicht alles so, wie es auf den ersten Blick scheint. Viele der Monster wollen heute einfach nur in Frieden leben und Nick ist der letzte, der ihnen das vermiesen wollte. So muss er auch bei seiner neuen Tätigkeit versuchen, die Guten von den Bösen zu unterscheiden. Unterstützung bekommt er dabei unter anderem von Eddie Monroe, eine Art Cello spielender Werwolf.

Executive Producer Sean Hayes joins the show's cast and crew as they pull back the curtain on the secret world of fairytales in this behind-the-scenes sneak peek of Grimm.

The cast explain how the new drama series "Grimm" is inspired by the classic, and sometimes terrifying, Grimm's Fairy Tales.

Bud Wurstner shows up at the Spice Shop to meet Monroe and Rosalee, whom Nick Burkhardt recommended he see regarding his hair loss problem. Bud asks if Rosalee has a remedy for hair loss for his "friend", and satisfied with their answer, he excitedly leaves.

Rosalee employs the help of Monroe in making the hair regrowth formula.

Bud returns to thank Monroe and Rosalee for preparing the formula "for his friend". Rosalee also tries Monroe's "creative" baking, which involved making a dandelion-seaweed cookie.

Bud comes into Rosalee's shop panicking because his hair (and his friend's hair) is growing out of control.

While the gang is battling the zombie horde in the shipyard, Bud is tormented by a zombie in his shop.

While Nick and the gang are distracted in the shipyard, Bud deals with a zombie problem of his own.

Sergeant Wu comes to Bud's rescue, but it doesn't go quite as planned.

Hank arrives to rescue Bud and Sergeant Wu, but the trio gets more than they bargained for.

Rosalee and Juliette gather their girlfriends for a Valentine's Day spa party, only to discover a Ziegevolk casting a love spell among the group.

Look back at Detective Nick Burkhardt's wild ride through four seasons of Grimm, in preparation for the continuation of his adventures in Season 5.