Status beendetSender Disney XDErstaustrahlung 13 February 2016Laufzeit 25 MinutenGenres Action, Animation, Children

In der animierten Fassung von „Guardians of the Galaxy“ wird erneut der Dieb und Outlaw Peter Quill im Mittelpunkt stehen, der sich selbst gerne Star-Lord nennt. An seiner Seite die Profikillerin Gamora, der sprechende Waschbär Rocket Raccoon, das Baumwesen Groot und der robuste Krieger Drax the Destroyer. Gemeinsam kämpfen sie als unschlagbares und leicht chaotisches Quintett gegen die größten Bedrohungen im Universum.

See what happens right after little Peter Quill is beamed aboard that Ravager spaceship and meets Yondu and his alien pirates.

Yondu's crew wants to eat young Peter Quill because they have never sampled a Terran before.

The inspirational tale of young Groot becoming the last surviving member of his race.

The inspirational tale of young Groot becoming the last surviving member of his race.

How one simple creature transforms into the brilliant, tech-savvy, trouble-maker named Rocket - and how he befriends a captive tree-creature.

How one simple creature transforms into the brilliant, tech-savvy, trouble-maker named Rocket - and how he befriends a captive tree-creature.

A galactic fighting superstar deals with his past, as he finds he must choose between revenge and doing the right thing.

A galactic fighting superstar deals with his past, as he finds he must choose between revenge and doing the right thing.

Gamora's loyalty to Thanos and Ronan is tested when she is given her first opportunity to choose a better path.

Gamora's loyalty to Thanos and Ronan is tested when she is given her first opportunity to choose a better path.

Als die Guardians die Milano mit zu vielen Erden-Souvenirs bepacken, stürzt das Schiff über einem Sumpf ab.

Quill tries to retrieve a fusion reactor from Modok.

Rocket sends Drax to a local carnival to retrieve a giant stuffed animal.

While trying to fix the ship, a mysterious Man-Thing starts wreaking havoc and Rocket and Groot must defend the Milano.

Gramora goes to a laser tag arcade to retrieve a specialized laser but decides to help a young boy being bullied.

The Guardians reunite to defend against the mysterious Man-Thing while Rocket tries to fix the ship.