Status beendetSender Amazon Instant VideoErstaustrahlung 05 November 2018Laufzeit 25 MinutenGenres Comedy

In der Familien-Comedy steht eine Großfamilie im Zentrum: Patriarch John ist ein Pilot im Ruhestand, Matriarchin Joan ist eine Psychotherapeutin, die sich gerne in das Leben ihrer Kinder einmischt. Unter denen ist Heather die Älteste. Mit dem Dermatologen Tim hat sie drei Kinder. Der mittlere Sohn Matt ist ein bisschen der Screw-up der Familie, er ist jüngst wieder ins Haus der Eltern in die Garage eingezogen und befindet sich in einer Beziehung zu seiner Ex-Kollegin Colleen. Der jüngste Sohn von John und Joan ist schließlich Greg. Der ist mit seiner Ehefrau Jen, einer toughen Anwältin, gerade zum erstem Mal Vater geworden.

Die Familie erlebt zusammen ein wildes Dschungelabenteuer

When Colleen and Matt try to impress a potential birth mother, they have a hard time competing against another rich, swanky couple. Also, Jen’s pregnancy takes a toll on Greg; Heather lets John take credit for her housekeeping while Joan recovers from knee surgery; and Tim arranges for Tyler to record a demo at a friend’s studio

While Joan is bedridden recovering from surgery, she persuades Sophia to spend time with her; Jen and Greg select a name for their new baby only to learn that Matt and Colleen chose the same one; Heather has a new business idea.

When Colleen and Matt learn they may not be allowed into the delivery room for the birth of the baby they are planning to adopt, they try to convince Morgan to have the baby at home. Heather is thrilled when Samantha has a falling-out with a friend who was a bad influence. Jen thinks Greg bought her a beautiful present only to discover it wasn’t for her. John encourages Tim to see a cardiologist.

After Tim has a heart attack, he becomes super clingy and annoys the entire family. Also, Greg and Jen make a pact to keep their baby’s gender a secret; Sophia’s new pet frog turns out to be a dangerous species; and Matt and Colleen receive news about their impending adoption.

After John befriends the janitor at Sophia’s school, Mr. Sissel, John learns that Sophia and her friends believe a childish rumor about him. Also, Heather pushes Tim and Joan to go for walks together while recovering from their health issues; Matt and Colleen try to tame Dougie’s bad habits; and Jen is desperate to not go into labor during Lark’s birthday party

Greg scrambles to find Lark when he loses her at the hospital while visiting Jen and the new baby. Also, Heather offers to help Sophia with her math homework but can’t figure out the new teaching method; Matt enrolls his adopted son, Lucas (Vivaan Bisoi), in a father/son art class; and Colleen organizes a family photo shoot and glams Joan up for the occasion

Heather and Tim get an emergency text from Samantha to pick her up in the middle of the night, and they try not to freak out so she'll still think they're the "cool" parents. Also, at the circus, Tim endures an embarrassing public situation; John accidentally walks in on Jen breastfeeding the baby; and Greg and Matt get competitive over their children's accomplishments.

When Tim gets a toupee, the family members try their best to hide their horrified reactions. Jen fights for face time with her boss when she returns to work after maternity leave. Joan decides to retire but gets cold feet. Greg and Matt build a playhouse for the kids.

Matt and Colleen treat Jen and Greg to a fancy dinner as a 'thank you' for writing a recommendation letter, and Jen and Greg are mortified when they realize they never wrote it. Sophia asks Tim and Heather to get her a pig. Clementine wants Tyler to stop going to his paediatrician for medical care now that he is an adult. John's parents decide to get a divorce.

Jen and Greg hire Edna—the cleaning lady who has worked for John and Joan for years—but Jen is horrified at her strange habits. Matt, Heather and Greg race to find the valuable souvenir pens John brought them when they were kids. Lucas is terrified of Joan. When Tim invites Matt over to watch a sporting event on television, it takes a weird turn.

When Matt helps Grandpa Mort efficiently book a family trip to the Bahamas, the family is super impressed, so Greg reserves a cabana at the pool to outdo Matt. Tim saves the life of a fellow hotel guest. Matt and Colleen take an excursion to a private island. John learns some astonishing news about his father.

When Tim and Heather realize that being grandparents is very far off in the future, they decide to have another baby. Joan gets frustrated when she keeps getting tasked with watching the grandkids. Jen and Greg decide to look for a new house. Matt gets a job offer in Germany, which is problematic for Colleen and Lucas.