Status beendetSender ZDFErstaustrahlung 28 September 2013Laufzeit 30 MinutenGenres Drama, Family, Fantasy

Lyla, Sirena und Nixie sind drei Meerjungfrauen, die den magischen Mondsee auf der Insel Mako in einer Vollmond-Nacht bewachen müssen. Sie nehmen die Aufgabe nicht allzu ernst und so passiert es, dass der 16-jährige Zac auf die Insel gelangt und in den brodelnden Mondsee stürzt. Ein Sakrileg in der Welt der Meerjungfrauen und ein Unfall mit überraschenden Folgen: Ab sofort wächst Zac bei der Berührung mit Wasser ein Fischschwanz! Um nicht aus dem Meerjungfrauen-Schwarm ausgeschlossen zu werden, müssen Lyla, Sirena und Nixie ihn davon überzeugen, die neue Fähigkeit wieder abzugeben. Dazu müssen sie selbst zu Menschen werden und an Land gehen. Ob sie es schaffen, ihn umzustimmen, bevor ihre menschliche Tarnung auffliegt?

Ondina is tasked with teaching the younger mermaids. A mermaid from China joins the pod. During a full moon ceremony, a terrifying beast emerges.

When marine park workers are sent to investigate the reported sea monster, the mermaids must create a credible explanation to stop further inquiries.

3x3 Recipe for Success

04 October 2016

Weilan casts a knowledge transference spell on Zac to help him pass a biology test. But more than just science facts transfer from her body to his!

3x4 Mopping Up

04 October 2016

When Evie tries using her new moon ring to magically finish her chores, things quickly get out of control. Joe makes an upsetting announcement.

3x5 The Puzzle Box

05 October 2016

Weilan comes up with the idea of using a Chinese puzzle box to trap the sea dragon. Cam panics when Carly suggests they take dance lessons.

3x6 New Beginnings

05 October 2016

Evie's moon ring lesson with Ondina takes an unexpected turn. At the marine park, Mimmi discovers the reason for a rescued dolphin's distress.

3x7 Turning the Tide

06 October 2016

Zac begs Weilan to teach him an Eastern spell few have mastered, which he hopes to use against the dragon. Joe encounters a water ball.

On the eve of the full moon, Ondina and Mimmi defy Veridia's orders. Evie becomes suspicious when she spots Zac and Weilan meeting in secret again.

After overhearing Ondina blaming her for Evie's loss, Weilan runs off. Meanwhile, Mimmi and Ondina combine their powers to try to restore Evie.

3x10 Wishful Thinking

10 October 2016

Zac realizes a shell he found has magical powers, and he accidentally sends the mermaids back in time five years, where they meet his younger self.

3x11 Lost and Found

11 October 2016

While Ondina teaches the little mermaids to walk on land, her fastest-learning student wanders off and soon runs into Chris and Karl on the beach.

3x12 Trust Issues

11 October 2016

When Mimmi and Chris go on a date at the beach, Ondina goes to great lengths to protect her. Cam tries to lure more upscale customers to the cafe.

3x13 Letting Go

12 October 2016

Mimmi and Zac are startled by a mysterious yet strangely familiar vision. Cam's dual role as Carly's boss and boyfriend becomes difficult to manage.

3x14 Age Before Beauty

12 October 2016

Weilan mistakenly makes tea for Rita using a magic growth accelerator. Can the mermaids cure Rita before Mrs. Trumble takes over her principal job?

A priceless artifact recovered by a deep-sea treasure hunter provides a clue as to how the mermaids can defeat the water dragon.

3x16 Homecoming

13 October 2016

The vision reappears to Mimi and Zac, this time speaking to them. Weilan learns a new detail about the dragon legend that suggests Nerissa is alive.