Status beendetSender Sky AtlanticErstaustrahlung 24 March 2014Laufzeit 60 MinutenGenres Drama

In Emerald City treffen Afroamerikaner auf Nazis, gebildete Bürger auf gesellschaftliche Versager, Weiß- auf Dunkelhäutige, Schwule auf Heterosexuelle. Der Umgangston in Emerald City ist rau, Peinigung und Vergewaltigung stehen auf der Tagesordnung. Blut fließt, Morddrohungen hallen durch die Gänge. Die Psyche der Insassen wird 24 Stunden, sieben Tage die Woche aufs Schlimmste terrorisiert. Privatsphäre existiert hier nicht. In der brutalen Routine des Gefängnisalltags verblassen die Hoffnungen der Insassen auf ein Leben außerhalb von Oz.

5x1 Besuchstag

19 May 2014

Im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis Oz gab es eine mächtige Gasexplosion. Für umfangreiche Renovierungsmaßnahmen musste der Spezialtrakt für mehrere Wochen geschlossen werden. Jetzt kommen die Häftlinge zurück in ihre Zellen.

Tim McManus denkt, der Gefangene Omar White könnte sich bessern, wenn er mehr Zeit mit Mithäftling Kareem Said verbringen würde. Ryan O’Reilys Mutter lehrt künftig Musik im Resozialisierungstrakt Emerald City.

Gefängnisoffizier Dave Brass möchte unbedingt wissen, wer ihn verletzt hat. Ex-Häftling Chris Keller kehrt in den Oz-Knast zurück, weil er Schwierigkeiten wegen einer Mordklage am Hals hat. Was geschieht jetzt mit ihm?

Guerra kills Alvarez's new follower and the guilt surrounding it forces Alvarez to make a confession to Mukada. Alvarez, Hill and Penders sign up for a seeing-eye dog-training program. Dr. Nathan attacks a patient while having a flashback of her rape. Cyril shanks and kills Li Chien, which gets Cyril sent to solitary and Ryan sent to the cage. During an interaction session Beecher attacks Schillinger after Schillinger denies ever raping him. Redding asks Glynn for control of the kitchen. Hill's grief over his dead mother and divorce from his wife send him back to drugs happily supplied by Poet. Beecher's new podmate is the son of a prominent family Beecher knew well. Because of that, Beecher decides to protect him from the Aryans at all costs.

Der Oz-Gefangene James Robson legt sich mit seinen Mithäftlingen Omar und Kareem an. Vern wagt einen freundlichen, aber suspekt wirkenden Annäherungsversuch bei Tobias. Wie reagiert sein zurückgezogener Erzfeind darauf?

5x6 Talentshow

26 May 2014

Said returns from the hole ready to apologize to White. The inmate variety show takes shape with Busmalis as MC and White the featured performer. Robson's painful teeth force him to the dentist, something he secretly fears. The dentist recommends gum replacement surgery. Alvarez wants to give his dog to Rivera the Oz guard he blinded. Cyril's trial looms and Ryan's worried. Redding continues to search for culprit that gave Hill the drugs. Poet, in an attempt to hide the truth from Redding convinces Busmalis to tell Redding that one of the Italians did the deed. This results in Redding having DeSantos poisoned. Chucky's condition worsens and out of fear, he summons Sister Peter for spiritual help. Meanwhile, Sister Pete starts looking for Guenzel's attackers only the 3 who know (Said, Beecher, Schillinger) refuse to divulge.

Redding discovers that Busmalis lied about DeSantos. Furious, he confronts Morales and the confrontation gets the two of them thrown in the hole. Cyril gets convicted of the murder and Ryan tells the attorney not to appeal. Meanwhile Sister Pete, Father Meehan and Suzanne Fitzgerald meet to devise another plan in Cyril's defense. Rebadow fumes over not getting the lottery money. Mc Manus' offer to search Oz's databases reveals an inmate with the same blood history as Rebadow's grandson. Rebadow meets the man only to be rejected by him. The rumor of Robson's replacement gums coming from a black patient prompts Schillinger to consult with Aryan Nation leader. The result? Robson gets banned from the Aryans.

5x8 Endstation

28 May 2014

Robson returns from solitary to discover he's been kicked out of the "Brotherhood" and moved to another cell. McManus tells Glynn he'll write a letter supporting Alvarez's bid for parole. Problem is, Alvarez attacks one of the parole board members and gets thrown back into solitary. Dr. Nathan's guilt worsens as Chucky slips into a coma from the septic infection. Schillinger tells new inmate Cutler he has to kill a black inmate to join the "Brotherhood" and Cutler selects Said as his victim. White's gets this information and goes to protect Said only they get into a tussle and Cutler almost dies. Rebadow gets to go see his dying grandson only to have to return later for the boy's funeral. Busmalis gets a letter from Norma who wants to visit. She does and brings surprising news. Beecher moves to make a confession during the interaction session. The result? Schillinger gets convicted of rape and is transferred to solitary indefinitely. Father Meehan touches a nerve with Ryan and forces him to acknowledge a childhood incident that scarred Ryan for life. A stabbing intended for Redding, claims an innocent inmate instead.