Status beendetSender RTL PassionErstaustrahlung 08 August 2013Laufzeit 60 MinutenGenres Drama

Die junge Denise Lovett zieht aus einem Dorf in Schottland in eine aufstrebende Industriestadt, um in dem Schneiderladen ihres Onkels eine Stelle als Verkäuferin anzutreten. Doch aus ihren Plänen wird nichts, da das Geschäft ihres Onkels durch die Eröffnung des Kaufhauses "Paradise", das sich auf derselben Einkaufsstraße befindet, unerwartet Konkurrenz bekommen hat und dieser damit nicht mehr über die finanziellen Mittel verfügt, um die Einstellung seiner Nichte zu zahlen. Denise bewirbt sich im "Paradise", erhält eine Anstellung im Bereich Damenbekleidung und wird von der strengen Ausbilderin Miss Audrey in alle wichtigen Belange des großen Einkaufstempels eingeweiht. Eigentümer des "Paradise" ist John Moray, der sich aus bescheidenen Verhältnissen zu einem erfolgreichen Geschäftsmann hochgearbeitet hat. Moray hat drei Jahre zuvor seine geliebte Frau bei einem Unfall verloren. Es passierte auf der Baustelle des "Paradise" und es herrscht die stillschweigende Übereinkunft, dass über ihren Tod nicht in Morays Anwesenheit gesprochen wird. Es scheint auch ein Geheimnis über die genauen Umstände ihres Ablebens zu geben...

A year has passed and the Paradise is struggling to survive without its charismatic owner, Moray. When Moray jilted Katherine and chose Denise, Lord Glendenning's vengeance was swift. He took ownership of the Paradise and Moray was cast out. For a year, Denise and Moray were separated. Meanwhile, Lord Glendenning and Katherine vanished from the city - there were tales of travelling, madness, Katherine's demise from a broken heart, and a cacophony of scandal. Meanwhile, Miss Audrey, no longer content with the stasis of her relationship with Edmund, is pushed into doing something about it.

With the return of Moray the fortunes of the Paradise are on the up, but Moray must box clever if he is to wrest his store back from Tom and Katherine Weston. Moray welcomes his friend from Paris, Clémence Romanis, to the Paradise. A dazzling and tactile woman, her intimacy with Moray instantly rouses Denise's jealousy. The Paradise buzzes with talk of who will replace Miss Audrey as head of ladieswear now she is to marry Edmund Lovett. Clémence questions why Miss Audrey should forfeit her position when she marries, planting a worm in Miss Audrey's mind which sparks an internal battle about her future happiness.

Spirits are high at the Paradise in anticipation of the annual staff outing. Unbeknownst to the staff, however, Tom has overruled Moray's suggestion to take them to the music hall and it falls to Dudley to give them the unhappy news. Applications for head of Ladieswear flood in, and Clara and Denise find themselves the object of staff gambling. Katherine arranges a treat for Flora, a beautiful doll, imported from France. Flora's guileless enjoyment in the doll irritates Tom, and he begins to question whether her indulgent and unstructured days are rendering her ignorant. Myrtle finds herself the butt of the joke yet again, but an act of kindness from an unlikely ally reassures her.

Edmund Lovett returns to the news that his beloved shop has had a break-in. Denise is met with tough decisions and realises that becoming head of Ladieswear brings many new challenges that she hadn't anticipated. At odds with her friends, and finding Moray more and more distant, she realises it can be lonely at the top. In an effort to exert his ownership, Tom Weston begins plans to expand the Paradise which could take the store beyond Moray's financial reach. Katherine's attempts to build a relationship between Tom and Flora go badly when Flora asks Tom about his youth. When Moray offers her a hand of friendship Katherine enjoys a trip down memory lane, but her fragility to Moray's charms doesn't go unnoticed by her husband.

Tom Weston is furious to see that Moray has set up a display of pocket watches which might steal attention away from his new Food Hall. When he sees Ladieswear buzzing from Denise's latest innovation he decides to harness the effervescence of Moray's 'little champion' and asks her to spend time in other departments to make improvements. Jonas begins to reel Tom in even closer and Tom, oblivious to Jonas' duplicity, orders him to report on Moray's movements. However, when Tom invites Moray and Denise to dine at Belville Hall and reveals plans to send Denise to Paris, Moray is incensed. He begs Denise not to go and instructs Jonas to tell Tom the truth, seemingly oblivious to the consequences his actions will have for Katherine and that the forfeiting of Paris is a bitter pill for Denise to swallow.

Lucille Ballentine arrives in town with her newly-wed and somewhat wealthy husband in tow. Although exuberantly cheerful, the girls sense she is troubled. Denise and Mr Ballentine discuss the business of the Paradise; impressed, he suggests she compiles a formal proposition. She tells Moray of this potential investment but he is dismissive. Dudley is frustrated by Moray's absence at the store and his elusive behaviour. Tom's behaviour is disturbingly spiteful, and a frightened Katherine confides in Moray. Fenton is pleased to hear that fractures are appearing between the Westons and he threatens to build a rival store if Tom refuses to sell.

Tom Weston engages renowned photographer Christian Cartwright to take a family portrait. Katherine is touched by the gesture, but only fleetingly as Tom makes it clear that her position in his family is fragile. Christian takes a keen interest in Clara and helps to unlock her demons, but an indecent proposal leaves her questioning who she really is. A serialised ghost story is taking the city by storm and Sam teases Susy and Myrtle for their obsession. Concerned that his friend is losing his grip on things, Dudley concocts a plan to bring Denise and Moray back together and forces them to work alongside each other. They plan a launch for the final instalment of the ghost serial and transform The Paradise into the world of 'The House on the Hill.'

Clémence arrives back in town bringing her problems to an already troubled Paradise. Tom flaunts his reconciliation with Clémence in front of a desolate Katherine. Distressed she is rescued by Jonas at her darkest hour. As Katherine confides in Jonas, her words confirm his suspicions of Tom's dark past. Katherine learns some unexpected news that reignites her fight and purpose. As the moment of reckoning arrives Tom is challenged by Moray, pride and self-sacrifice push both men to destructive levels and Moray risks everything. Can Moray and Denise find a way to make their love work?