Status beendetSender Sky AtlanticErstaustrahlung 10 June 2015Laufzeit 30 MinutenGenres Comedy

Brett und Michelle Pierson leben eine Ehe in stiller Verzweiflung. Vor allem im Bett will es nach der Geburt ihrer beiden Kinder so gar nicht mehr klappen. Als Bretts bester Freund Alex und Michelles Schwester Tina auf ihrer Couch Unterschlupf finden, kommt Schwung in das frustrierte Familienleben der Piersons

2x1 Hotels

23 March 2016

Alex gets a surprise birthday visit on the set of his new movie in New Orleans.

Michelle works on her plan to make the charter school a reality; Tina clashes with Alex's new girlfriend at his welcome home party.

Brett and Alex get out of town while Michelle and Tina juggle the kids, and Christy.

2x4 Changetown

13 April 2016

Brett and Alex throw themselves into a new passion project. Michelle bonds with Anna, a new ally in her charter school project. Alex is disappointed by major changes at work and is confronted by a slighted Christy. Tina gets a crash course in parenting.

2x5 Just the Range

20 April 2016

Brett struggles with the challenges and unexpected perks of a new side gig. Tina and Larry discuss life goals. Alex bristles over an unstable new director but softens to him and finds the two have common ground. Anna proves herself indispensable to Michelle.

2x6 Geri-ina

27 April 2016

Alex recruits an unwanted face from Brett's past to help with their project; later, he considers a career choice. Tina becomes more proactive in trying to get what she wants. At a fundraiser for the school, Michelle challenges Anna.

Michelle is desperate to win her school project back from Anna and Brett along with Alex help her out. Natalie shows up unexpectidely and stirs things up between Michelle and Brett.

2x8 For the Kids

11 May 2016

Michelle is inspired by the kids as the foursome makes a last-ditch effort to save her charter school plans.