Status beendetSender Sky AtlanticErstaustrahlung 23 February 2016Laufzeit 55 MinutenGenres Drama

Der mit 28 Jahren noch junge König Ludwig XIV. will – neben militärischen und wirtschaftlichen Erfolgen seines Landes – der Welt vor allem eins präsentieren: seine uneingeschränkte Macht. Um vor Aufständen besser geschützt zu sein, entscheidet Ludwig sich, das Jagdschloss in Versailles zum Regierungssitz und prachtvollen Palast auszubauen. Ein teures und langwieriges Unterfangen, das mehrmals an mangelndem Geld sowie diversen politischen Intrigen zu scheitern droht. Aber der zukünftige Sonnenkönig trotzt allen Widrigkeiten und treibt sein Bauprojekt voran. Gleichzeitig muss er seinen jüngeren Bruder, Herzog Philipp I. d’Orléans in Zaum halten, mit dessen Ehefrau der König ein Verhältnis pflegt. Sein – offen homosexueller – Bruder leidet zunehmend daran, dass der mächtige König ihn an keinen politischen Prozessen beteiligt und will nur eins: in den Krieg ziehen und auf dem Schlachtfeld Ruhm und Ehre erlangen. Und auch dem französischen Hochadel gefällt es gar nicht, dass Ludwig jedem Edelmann einen schriftlichen Adelsnachweis abverlangt.

A closer look at the history behind the drama series Versailles. Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner look at Louis XIV's love life.

Following the latest instalment of Versailles, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner take a closer look at gender and sexuality at the court of Louis XIV.

Historical discussion show inspired by drama series Versailles. This week, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner look at the tension between Louis XIV and his nobility.

Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner discuss 17th-century warfare as seen in drama series Versailles.

Following the latest instalment of Versailles, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner dig deeper into the world of Louis XIV and his court entertainments.

Inspired by drama series Versailles, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner explore the topic of religious conflict in early modern France.

Inspired by drama series Versailles, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner look at Louis XIV's impact on the world of ballet.

Inspired by drama series Versailles, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner discuss Anglo-French relations in the age of Louis XIV.

Court etiquette in the age of Louis XIV is the focus of discussion between Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner.

Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner conclude the series by discussing the historical background of 17th-century court fashion, as seen in drama series Versailles.

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner discuss Louis XIV's mistress Madame de Montespan.

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner explore Louis XIV's troubled relationship with religion.

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner shine a light on Philippe's new bride Liselotte.

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner examine how Louis XIV created an absolutist monarchy during his reign.

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner discuss Louis XIV's premier valet Alexandre Bontemps.

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner explore the use of aphrodisiacs and potions at the court of Louis XIV.

Catch up on Season 2 and get a sneak peek of Season 3 of "Versailles," a series that explores the opulence and decadence of France's Sun King, Louis XIV.

A behind the scenes look at the series Versailles.