Status beendetSender SyFyErstaustrahlung 29 July 2015Laufzeit 45 MinutenGenres Action, Comedy, Drama, Horror, Science-Fiction

Drei Jahre nachdem ein Zombie-Virus die Menschheit nahezu vollständig ausgerottet hat, konzentriert sich deren letzte Hoffnung auf Murphy - den einzigen bekannten Überlebenden eines Zombieangriffs. Um aus seinem Blut einen Impfstoff entwickeln zu können, transportieren Lieutenant Mark Hammond und Sergeant Garnett den Gefängnisinsassen von New York zu dem letzten funktionstüchtigen Virenlabor nach Kalifornien. Bald schließen sich weitere Kämpfer wie die ehemalige Reservistin Roberta Warren und der talentierte Zombie-Beseitiger 10K dem hoffnungsvollen Trupp an. Doch der potentielle Heilsbringer Murphy trägt nicht nur die begehrten Antikörper in sich, sondern auch ein gefährliches Geheimnis - und jede Menge schlechte Laune.

4x1 Neustart

07 March 2018

Warren's Apocalyptic Dream of a Black Rainbow sends our heroes on a mysterious new mission to save the Apocalypse from something even worse. Warren awakens from a Coma to find herself in ZONA two years later, with Murphy seemingly cured, and the rest of our heroes either dead or fighting for their lives against unkillable "MAD-Z's" caused by an evolving Zombie Virus.

4x2 Flucht aus Zona

14 March 2018

Driven by Warren's dream of a black rainbow, Warren and Murphy make their way back to the mainland.

4x3 Zombies 2.0

21 March 2018

Everyone at the refugee camp has vanished, and the group plots where to head next.

4x4 Der große Pulk

28 March 2018

Following Warren's dream, the team doesn't stop while crossing The Great Pile, a seemingly endless landscape of rubble and destruction.

The team is captured by an Unseen Force and enslaved in an elaborate underground facility, forced by their mysterious captors to perform a series of bizarre, dangerous tasks.

Lucy fights to save Murphy's life; Warren and the others battle a biologically modified Franken-Zombie guarding a clue to Warren's dream.

Shaken by the death of one of the team, something snaps in Murphy, and Warren is unable to stop him and the others from committing an atrocity as misplaced revenge.

4x8 Glaubenskrise

25 April 2018

Warren and the others encounter a mysterious stranger who they think is a grave robber, but they're something much more.

The group explores an abandoned TV news station and encounters news crew zombies triggering haunting flashbacks from day one.

Doc and our heroes are reunited with Sketchy and Skeezy when they take refuge in a working barber shop full of mysterious characters, one of whom Doc knows but can't remember from where.

Warren's dream leads our heroes back to Mercy Labs. Images in her dream drive her to search for the destroyed complex and find a mysterious cylinder of gas which she compelled to bring along.

Warren and our heroes must stop Zona from launching operation "Black Rainbow".

The secret of Warren's dream is unlocked when they reach their final destination, the "Black Rainbow" facility.