Status beendetSender SyFyErstaustrahlung 29 July 2015Laufzeit 45 MinutenGenres Action, Comedy, Drama, Horror, Science-Fiction

Drei Jahre nachdem ein Zombie-Virus die Menschheit nahezu vollständig ausgerottet hat, konzentriert sich deren letzte Hoffnung auf Murphy - den einzigen bekannten Überlebenden eines Zombieangriffs. Um aus seinem Blut einen Impfstoff entwickeln zu können, transportieren Lieutenant Mark Hammond und Sergeant Garnett den Gefängnisinsassen von New York zu dem letzten funktionstüchtigen Virenlabor nach Kalifornien. Bald schließen sich weitere Kämpfer wie die ehemalige Reservistin Roberta Warren und der talentierte Zombie-Beseitiger 10K dem hoffnungsvollen Trupp an. Doch der potentielle Heilsbringer Murphy trägt nicht nur die begehrten Antikörper in sich, sondern auch ein gefährliches Geheimnis - und jede Menge schlechte Laune.

Warren erholt sich mit dem mysteriösen Cooper von dem Drohnencrash.

Warren must leave her new life behind and find her way to Newmerica, reuniting with Murphy and the other heroes, while discovering George is an old friend.

10K nearly loses everything as panic and anti-Talker sentiments flare after an explosion derails the vote.

5x4 Pacifica

28 March 2019

Warren and George search for Lt. Dante, who may be part of an underground network helping Talkers flee human vigilantes.

5x5 Zombiebomben

04 April 2019

Pacifica is bombed, and our heroes decide to follow the Talker Underground to stop whoever is behind the attacks.

Warren and the others are reunited with Addy in “Limbo,” an underground casino run by Murphy and his Blends that shelters Talkers on the run from Altura Militia.

5x7 Originalrezept

18 April 2019

As Doc explains his version of American History to George, Sketchy and Skeezy re-enact Doc’s stories about the Founding Fathers, while Warren and the others go the bakery that invented bizkits in search of the secret ingredient.

5x8 Heartland

25 April 2019

Our heroes arrive in the farming outpost that produces flour for bizkits and find it overrun by zombies.

Doc must spirit walk again to help save the Chief of the Water Keepers and get the water flowing to Newmerica.

Altura militiamen force Talkers to mine a hazardous waste landfill for the secret ingredients for Bizkits.

5x11 Hackerville

16 May 2019

With some help from an outpost of renegade hackers, Warren and George hack Altura’s defenses and discover Estes’ secret plan.

5x12 At All Cost

23 May 2019

Warren and the others must free the Talkers being held in Quarantine and prepare to attack Altura.

The heroes break into Altura in an attempt to bring Pandora and Estes to justice, Cooper reappears, shocking Warren, and there’s something he has to tell her.